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A couple of years later

After a couple of years, Kol had finally finished his surprise for Elena and he was excited for her to get to see it for the first time. Things had changed in the last few years they welcomed twins so now they were a family of six. And her friends and his family got along well except for the shots Caroline and Kol through at each other but it was as good as it was going to get for them.  "You ready?"

She had her eyes closed so she had no idea what was going or where he was taking her. "Where are we?"

"You'll see soon." And he knew this was something that she was definitely going to like or at least he hoped she did.

"Fine." She could wait a little longer. 

She heard a door open as he led her inside. He didn't want her to open them just yet. "Keep your eyes closed?"

"You should know by now that i don't like surprises." She had never liked surprised and she didn't think that was going to change anytime soon.

"You are going to like this one." He knew she was going to at least like part of it.

"Ok."  She didn't want to be patient she wanted to know where she was and what he wanted to show her.  "But I don't like to be patient." 

"I know darling." He knew that which was why he didn't get the chance to surprise her often.



Caroline walked downstairs she couldn't find Kol or Elena and apparently the kids were all in the house. "Where did they go?"

"He didn't tell you." Rebekah laid Noah next to Nevaeh in the crib before looking back to Caroline she was sure they would have told her they were leaving. 

Caroline scoffed she didn't know if Rebekah recalled how much she tried to avoid him at every chance. "Me and your brother are frenemies we don't always get along but we get along for her sake."

Hayley smirked she couldn't believe even after she went and brought Kol back she still couldn't stand him. "So that's the reason you went and tracked him down and forced him to come back."

"I couldn't deal with mopey Elena so if she loved him I was going to make sure they could be together no matter what anyone else had to say about it." Even if she hadn't liked it he was who her best friend loved so she was going to deal with him.

"Ok." They guessed it was going to stay that way they didn't see the harm as long as they didn't try to kill each other.

"So can someone tell me where they went?" Carolien still had no idea where they had gone or why at least Elena didn't tell her she was leaving. 

Rebekah sighed turning towards her brother she didn't want to see her reaction to this. "They are moving."

"WHAT?"  She wanted to know why Rebekah k  new this and she didn't.

Rebekah turned towards her again she knew that Caroline didn't want her best friend to leave her but it would be good for them. "Come on they have two  newborns they were going to want their own space eventually."

Caroline glared at her she didn't like that no one was telling her anything. And if her best friend was going to move she she didn't get where they were even going to go.  "And where are they going to move."

Klaus chuckled slightly he had decided to keep the details of what Kol was doing for his wife secret. "He actually has been renovating Elena's old house."

"He has?" Caroline had thought that Jeremy still lived at his old home.

"Yes."  Hayley nodded she thought it was sweet that he was doing that for her. 

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