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"The doctor isn't here yet." Janelle sighed she didn't get why she was lying to her best friend so that she culd quickly get off of the phone.

"I know but they are." Elena sat down as Kol and Rebekah walked in she had heard a car door and knew what that meant she didn't feel like having Caroline curse at them because of how upset she was.

"Doctor should be here soon." Honestly they wished that she had stayed sleep it might have made things a lot easier for all of them but being as she wasn't they would have to deal with her,

Janelle took a breath and looked up at the two Mikaelson Siblings."She already made her first call and cut it short altough that friend of hers have a very colorful vocabulary."

"Well Caroline has her reasons for wanting to bury his body. Kidnapping Rape abuse do i need to go on." Elena crossed her arms over her chest she was usually shy and even though she was teriffied but she couldn't let them see they scared her even though they did scare her and she wanted to keep her distance from them but she had to be strong Caroline wasn't here anymore,

"I thought that you were shy?" Rebekah teased she thought that this was just like Elena to try and make everything about her.

"It's called a protective instinct you wouldn't know you've never had to use it." She didn't like acting as if she was strong but it was just what she had to do

Rebekah turned to her brother Elena was truly getting on her nerves and she wished that she didnt have to deal with her right now but sadly all wishes don't come true."She is already getting on my nerves"

"What is he gonna do rape me abuse me get pregnant check check and check." Elena had six months to figure something else out or she was good as dead. If there was another way honestly she didn't see it yet."And its not like he could kill me yet i have to be alive for the next six months"

"But i can kill you right after."

"Have fun explaining to your daughter how her mother died." She got up and walked away heading back to her room. She didn't want to deal with them right now she didn't really want to deal with anyone but they were never going to truly leave her alone even if she begged them to.

Rebekah got up and followed her she followed Elena into her room closing her door behind her."You need to cut your attitude"

"And you need to leave me alone you can get out now."It wasn't easy for her to say that but it was something that had to be said. She couldn't keep letting them push her around just because they want to.

Rebekah was standing with her brother in his room. She wanted to get Elena under control before she went to far it was not going to be easy if she didn't coperate with them."We need to get her under control."

"What do you want me to do?"

"The way i see it we have a few choices Caroline wants Elena back Elena wants to protect her and lets face it she's going to do whatever she can to get out of here so maybe we have to make her a little more agreeable." She didn't really like the sound of that but they did have to do something to make her listen."Make her think that she is supposed to be here that she wants to be here."

Elena was sitting on her bed going through an album when Kol walked in."Shouldn't you be sleep."

"Sorry i'm to scared i'm going to to wake up tied to a chair" She scolded continuing she had thought that she was going to at least safe until the end of her pregnancy but she had sadly thought wrong there was nothing safe about being in that house.

"I'm sorry for this?" He grabbed her chin forcing her to look at him.

"Please don't do this to me?" There was no point in trying she knew that he was going to do it anyway because thats how it was. Thats whow it was when she got raped and nothing would ever change he was going to compel her without a second thought and she knew that.

He didn't want to do it but there was somethings that people just had to do"Your pregnant and were excited you'll listen well we've been together since before you got pregnant you hadn't wanted to betray your best friend but you had to listen to your heart no matter what the consquences is and your heart told you that your in love with me and your happy to be pregnant. Go to sleep everything is going to be different when you wake up."

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