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10 months later
Elena was with Kol at the store she was cradling their 6 month daughter Aniyah Jenna-Miranda Mikaelson. Whenever they went shopping they had to get everything they needed cause no one liked it. So they both had their own cart. It was going to be easier this way guaranteeing that they were able to get everything that they would need.

She could have sworn she had seen a familiar blonde but shook it off. As they were still in Italy and Klaus Caroline and Elijah were still far away from them or so she thought. "Hey, i need to go grab a few things from the baby section. Meet me you by the food."

"I swear I'm going to kill my sister." Originally he had made it his sister's job to do all the shopping but that hadn't been the best choice when she would overdo it. 

Elena just shook her head she was used to the sibling's banter and it always made her laugh. She didn't think that Rebekah was that bad it was just a change for her that she would have to get used to. "You're the one that said she couldn't go shopping anymore." 

"That's cause she buys everything we didn't need 4 months' worth of newborn diapers." How his sister had thought that it was a good idea to get all of that and then some. 

Elena just rolled her eyes she didn't get why he made it seem like it was that bad. None of them really knew what they were doing and were just taking it by ear. And mistakes were going to happen but they were going to know what to do and not to do for the future."She bought ten cases she didn't know that Aniyah would fit them for a month in a half before going up a size." She walked away with the cart heading to the baby section where she found a girl rocking a newborn. She could see that she was struggling to find what she needed. "Need help"

"She's a month old and she won't sleep how old is yours." She tried to get her daughter to sleeps looking over at Elena.

"6 months." She understood that struggle she absolutely hated that her daughter would only sleep when Kol was holding her and it definitely made her jealous and she didn't think that it was fair. "It's totally normal she will not sleep unless her dad is holding her which is irritating."

"I have no idea what I'm supposed to be grabbing her stepmom usually gets everything for her." And while that was sort of true she didn't want to tell Elena that she just needed to be able to get the information from her that she needed.

"I can help." She didn't mind helping after getting past the newborn stage she knew what things to get and what to not get. 

"I've got the diapers but I don't know which formula she needs." Which was sort of true she knew what she usually gave Hope and what she wasn't supposed to have.

"I would try one for sensitive stomachs first because newborns tend to throw up a lot."  She knew that it certainly was the case for Aniyah. 

"Can I get your number?" This was her chance and she didn't know if she would get another one knowing that both Kol and Rebekah knew who she was. "I may need more help and I have no mom friends."

Elena nodded taking her phone out. She handed it to her grabbed the things she needed and put it in the cart. Not really paying attention to what Hayley was doing. "I never got your name. I'm Elena."

"Hayley and this is Hope." She finished doing what she was doing being mindful to delete the evidence of it. 

"This is Aniyah." She finished grabbing what she needed turning towards Hayley. She took her phone back and smiled. "See you around I have to go."

Caroline walked over to Hayley after Elena walked away. She wanted to make sure that they did this right she was done waiting she was getting her best friend back and she wasn't going to let anyone stop her. "Got her location?"

"I sent it to myself and you then deleted the message so that we will know where she is at all  times." Although Hayley didn't like this she knew that she owed them for helping Kol and Rebekah to kidnap and hide her in the first place. 

"Good, she doesn't call anymore." She knew that Kol had compelled her but she wasn't sure when it happened. She just knew that she despised them for taking Elena and taking away her choices. 

Hayley looked at her she knew that they said that Kol compelled her but she didn't want to come in and ruin this. "She looks happy."

"She's compelled, Hayley." She knew that she may look happy but she didn't have any choices of her own. 

"But she's happy." She felt so bad she felt like she was about to break up the family that she had created. 

Caroline didn't believe that she knew that Kol had compelled her and that was the reason that she was acting this way. That she believed that this family was real but it wasn't. "No, she's not she's been compelled to be happy to believe in this fantasy that he has her in."

"I know but he forced this on her he took away her choices and now it's time for her to get them back." She didn't care what anyone else had to say their game was over as of right now.

When they got back to the house they brought everything into the house. Elena went and laid Aniyah down going to climb in the bed next to Kol.  "Darling I think it's time for you to take a nap." Things had changed in the last 10 months. And as much as he wanted to take the compulsion off he new that then all of this would change and that there would be no fix for it.

"But the baby is hyper and I'm not tired." Although being pregnant again hadn't been in the cards they were happy about it. Especially cause that meant that Aniyah and her little sibling would be close in age.

"Darling you say that you are not tired but I don't believe that." He could already tell that she was just moments from falling asleep. Even if she denied it over and over again.

She laid on his chest listening to the sound of his heartbeat. Ok so maybe she was a little tired but she didn't care she was thinking about how he was with his siblings and she didn't want Aniyah and their unborn child to be like that.  "I hope that they get along i don't want them to be at odds like you and your siblings."

"Me and my siblings being at odds have everything to do with my mother and father." His mother and his father had changed everything for the family and while he and Rebekah were able to come to okay terms he didn't know how long that was going to last having already been at odds with them for centuries due to their always and forever pact. "Our children won't go through the same things that we did. They'll grow up together loved and knowing that they aren't hated by their parents."

"You promise." She didn't want them to be like that she wanted them to know that they were loved and that they weren't out to kill each other.

"I promise that our kids are going to be treated nothing like how my siblings were." He knew that was definitely something he and his siblings struggled with knowing that their parents hated them because of something the two had done to their children. "They will know love they will know they are wanted and they will know that no matter what we will be there for them."

Elena nodded leaning up to kiss him. She broke apart from the kiss leaning her head on his chest. He had managed to ease her worries she loved the family the two of them were creating. "I love you."

"I love you too darling." And as much as he wished that he didn't he knew that it had changed in the past few months.


Figured that this was one of the ones that definitely needed an update. 

I am in college now so it is a little harder to update as frequently as i would like.

Hope y'all enjoy and how do you think Caroline and them are going to go about getting Elena back with this new information

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