Love Sucks - 36

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I know it's been a month or so since I last updated, but I've had a few er, issues recently. Should be all good soon though. So yeah, here's the next chapter...

Sorry if there are all those errors and stuff, I'm trying to get around to editing the whole story. As per usual, bear with me xD..


Chapter thirty-six;

Two days seemed to fly straight past me before my very eyes. Nothing changed in the two-day beat between my mum’s funeral and my first date ever which just so happened to be with Alex. Ashton spent a lot of his time on the front porch writing in a green notepad, more often or not with a glass of whiskey on the floor by his feet and a cigarette in his mouth. Although I despised smoking, I couldn’t help but cast lingering glimpses out at him, for he reminded me of my father on a Sunday morning; he’d sit on the front porch with the newspaper, a mug of hot coffee and he’d smoke a cigarette or two. Even when it rained the entire day after my mother’s funeral, Ashton was still sat out there, unfazed by the weather.

Poppy and Cherlindrea were more often or not chatting away on the sofa. Cherlindrea would say so little; come to think of it, I’d only ever heard her talk once or twice. Any other time, she seemed to be joint at the hip with Poppy, and she stayed silent, always watching, never uttering a word or offering her input. I’d mentally noted to question either Alex or Ashton on that one.

Claude wasn’t around; Alex told me he’d gone hunting for more supplies.

Alex sat in his room a lot of the time with the door shut, but that didn’t stop me from snatching a glass from the kitchen and putting it against the wall, hoping to hear him play again. I heard melodies, but he never sang.

And then there’s today; in the now, the present. I’d spent my time in my room too, keeping to myself just as everyone else had done for the past two days. The only thing that broke my routine of sitting on my window sill and contemplating, well, anything and everything was when I got hungry, thirsty or I needed to use the bathroom. Actually, my thoughts had often drifted towards my parents, and that soon led to remembering the few days I’d spent in the Ghost Plane with Claude and Ashton and how we’d seen her just moments before our escape. It made my heart hurt to think about it, but I could hardly force the thoughts out of my mind.

But today, those thoughts had vanished into thin air. All I could think about was tonight – it was the night I was set to go on my first date, and I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact it was with Alex. I was lying on my bed staring up at the ceiling, debating over what I was going to wear, what we would do, when he barged in. I sat up in time to see him stroll over to the bed and sit next to me.

“So, princess,” he said with a smile. “Are you all set on seeing that vampire film?”

“Let Me In,” I corrected him. “And yes, please.”

He chuckled. “A vampire seeing a vampire film…”

I rolled my eyes and slapped his arm playfully. “You were fine with it yesterday.”

“Whatever you want, princess.” He flashed me a grin. “I’ve got to go now, I have some things to take care of. I’ll be back to pick you up at five, is that okay?”

“Yep,” I breathed, my heartbeat faltering ever so slightly, all trace of disagreement forgotten. With a lingering kiss goodbye, he was gone in the blink of an eye, leaving me to swoon over him and prepare for my first ever date.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

“Are you nervous?” Poppy chimed as she curled my hair for me. I was sat in her room, in front of a mirror that had been placed on a white chest of drawers.

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