Love Sucks - 17

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Long chapter anybody? ;)

I would like to dedicate this chapter - the longest one I've written for this story - to *lalobahavegreeneyes1* ; thankyou so freakin' much for your wonderous words. You comment on every one of my chapters, and you're truly amazing. :)

*nirvana_love* ; thank you for doing all the research for me for this chapter. And thank you for being there for me in my darkest hours, always

Chapter seventeen;

"She's not on the menu, Sebastian." Alex muttered darkly. He turned around, pulling me around with him to see ten figures stood before us, all wearing blood-red cloaks that were pulled tightly around their bodies. The tall male at the front had a smirk on his face, whereas the others had blank expressions, so I guessed he was Sebastian.

His hair was grey, blowing in the breeze that whipped around us, falling in front of his crimson red eyes. They shined bright, standing out, sending shivers up my spine. His smile turned sinister, and he revealed his sharp fangs against his deathly pale skin that was so flawless, not a scar or battle wound of any sort in sight. His facial features were insanely young despite his grey hair. In fact, he was almost as beautiful as Alex.

"What a pity," Sebastian murmured, true disappointment in his voice.

"Yes, a real pity," Alex mocked spitefully. I glanced sideways at him, and it was only then that I realised he was wearing a suit again; a white button-up shirt with a black tie done up around his collar. His sleeves weren't rolled up this time, and his shirt was tucked in to a pair of black suit trousers, done up with a black belt that I didn't linger on for too long.

Truth be told, Alex was hotter than Hell in a suit.

But that wasn't my main focus. No, for my main focus was to find out where the heck we were and why I was here. At a leech's convention. In one of the shortest dresses I own. A question had recently, subtly, secretly been popping into my head. A question I did not have the answer to, and I'm sure it will never be answered.

Why me?

"Hello? Earth to Cathy," Alex was shaking my shoulder, not exactly gently. "I said hurry up."

"Mhm," I mumbled, jogging after him as he strode briskly away. My eyes were peeling along the scenery around me, searching for some clue as to where we were. I couldn't see very far - I was lucky I didn't lose Alex in the fog. Only the sound of his footsteps and his calls for me to hurry up kept me from stumbling into the thick atmosphere surrounding us. When I saw the stones, I raised my eyebrows despite the fact nobody was looking at me.

"Why are we at Stonehenge?" I asked. "What if somebody drives down the highway and sees us? Or what about the people in the shops?"

"Princess, its three thirty in the morning," I heard Alex's voice call to me. I could only just manage to see the back of him. "Nobody's going to be around. Besides, what do you think this fog is for? It's too dangerous for anybody to enter this place within a five mile radius."

"Of course." I muttered sarcastically. "Of bloody course."

I slammed into something cold and hard, and I tumbled backwards and onto the floor, landing on my butt. It hurt, that was for sure. It was a cold ground, that was also for sure. The second the damp grass touched my skin, I let out a slight whimper, a strong shiver going up my spine. I looked up at my reason for falling, to see Alex crouching down in front of me, his face expressionless.

"Just shut up and listen," he murmured. "We're about to be within the boundaries of the stones, and you need to be very, very damn quiet. You will follow me, staying within my reach at all times unless I say otherwise. Do not talk to anybody that you are about to meet, unless I say otherwise. Put your immature pride aside, and listen to every word spoken. Is that clear?"

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