Love Sucks - 13

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Hola to the world of wattpad

I'm in the what's hot list 240-something! Oh my.. I really, really appreciate all the help everybody's given me, including sparks of inspiration and moments of laughter. I couldn't live without you guys. I really couldn't.

So, enough of me, and more of the story.

It's shorter, yes, but the next upload is not far away =D x

Chapter thirteen;


A quietness that was so peaceful, so harmoniously satisfying that one could compare it not to a thing on this earth. The relief was so alluring, it was hard to believe death could be so immensely pleasing as it was right now.


Such silence...

* * * * *


City & Colour - Casey's Song

I mean it. Listen to this song ; I love it soo much


Three weeks.

Three antagonizing, suspenseful weeks Alex had been gone. Equivalent to twenty one days. Five hundred and four hours without his irritating presence that never failed to anger me.

And yet, here I was, lying across my bed with his words still lingering, as if they were one of the dust notes floating around in the stream of sunlight I had been dodging throughout the day. Lingering and slowly, so slowly, swishing around my mind like the notes swishing around the room;

"Frankly princess, I don't want you to die..."

Silence washed over the house. My mother had been going to a daily counselling group these past three weeks about her smoking and drug addiction, and I made sure she attended. The day Alex ditched school, the last time I saw him, I had come home from college to see her bouncing around like a child on Christmas. Waving an A4 piece of paper in front of my face, I signed her up for it after making sure she was serious.

I had nothing left to rely on other than that, now.

I scrambled off the bed, and began pacing the room, absently waiting for sundown to approach the skies so I could go outside for a breath of fresh air. I felt like I was suffocating in these four walls. Glancing here and there, I risked a sneak peak outside; twilight was coating the horizon, slowly spreading across the skies like a plague. I smiled merrily to myself, desperate for air before I choked to death or something...

I glanced at my digital clock sat on my wooden bedside table just as the red numbers changed, and read 8:45pm. The irony of it being summer when you're a vampire (or... nearly, in my case) because the sunlight hours are longer. What I wouldn't give for it to be winter again...

I stretched, my bones clicking and muscles untwisting, before leaving my room. In the hallway, it was even more stuffy than my room, and there sure as hell were a lot more windows. Swiftly stepping around the patches of the final sunlight breaking through the windows, gradually fading, I headed downstairs.

"Your friend is nice!" My mother screeched as she exited the living room. I jumped ten foot in the air, almost tumbling down the last few stairs at her appearance.

"Mum, jeez don't do that," I breathed. "I didn't know you were home. How was your group session?"

She nodded with a huge smile. "Fabulous! I feel so relieved..." she trailed off, and began walking away, into the kitchen.

Wait a second. What friend?!

I jumped down the last couple of stairs, and pushed open the closed living room door, a frown descending on my face with curiosity. My eyes scanned the room, coming to a halt at the figure sitting comfortably in an armchair on the other side of the room.

His hair looked as dark as pitch, brushed across his face, his fringe flopping over the bright emerald eyes that were intent on the sunset outside. His lips were pressed together as if he be thinking, a slight frown in his forehead, too. His black suit trousers looked surprisingly smart, alongside his white button-up shirt that had the first three buttons undone, exposing the start of his pale white chest. A black tie sat undone around his shoulders, his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows and in his hand, his fingers were clasped around a glass of water.

"Alex." I said. My tone was shockingly cold, hard.

His eyes slid from the faded sunset, to me. Catching my own in his emerald eyes, I noticed the shadows underneath them, as though he had had a thousand sleepless nights. But I knew... I knew it was just a thousand troubled nights, never ending, never going away.

But the smile he gave me... though it was weak, it was as if he was relieved. It was enough to make any girl's knees turn to jelly, melt any girl's heart and make the butterflies flutter in her belly.

Any girl... except me.

"Cathy," he replied, his voice deep, smooth, untouched by any of the troubles reflecting in his eyes. "I think we need to talk."

I nodded. "Yes, we do."

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