Love Sucks - 39

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Okay, first thing's first, sorry for not being around for the past month or so. I have a lot going on in life at the moment - and I mean a lot. I'm in the midst of exams and a slight crisis, so I'm not finding much time to write. Either way, here it is.

Thanks for sticking by me with the story. Especially Mattie, who never fails to cheer me up big time.



Chapter thirty nine;



[Mass noun]:

- A strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction towards someone

Ex. ~ we were slowly falling in love.


Lovedrug - Paper Scars


What is love?

According to the Oxford Dictionary, it was a strong feeling of affection and sexual attraction towards someone. It could also be a great interest and pleasure in something, or a person or thing that one loves… the list continues.

For me, love, its meaning, definition and proof was lying right next to me. She was facing away from me, her blonde hair curled imperfectly and sprayed down her back, exposing her neck, where two fresh puncture wounds lay from my bite. The moonlight seeping through my window made her skin glow almost as pale as mine. She was proof that love was beautiful, that love was divine. She was proof that love always won the battle.

Catherine Rosemary Annabel Morse.

Three months ago, I’d have laughed at myself for being so ridiculous in thinking I was in love with her. Now I had a hard time thinking of life without her.

I just hoped she felt the same way.

“Isn’t that obvious?” My voice muttered.

It was. Or so I liked to think it was. She’d seemed to give me all her love, and yet I was still hungry for more. Hungry for her.

The alarm clock on the bedside table on the other side of me told me it was four thirty in the morning; she’d been asleep for an hour. I couldn’t begin to imagine how tired she must have been, what with going to the cinema, out to dinner then straight to the festival, and then…

I mentally slapped myself when I felt a smile creeping to my lips. It was a bit… silly to just lie awake in bed at night grinning to yourself. But I couldn't wipe my smile, so instead I resorted to tracing little patterns into Cathy's smooth back. It took a lot of restraint to hold myself back from kissing her shoulder, knowing I'd just wake her up, which was mean. She needed rest.

But I needed her. I gnawed my bottom lip and twisted a lock of her hair around my index finger loosely. It still amazed me how such a human girl could cause such strange affects on... well, me. She was something else entirely. She was more than beautiful, and this was more than love. So much more. She mm'd softly, and, worried I might have awoken her, I shuffled slyly away from her. She stayed silent, and her heart was beating slowly and steadily. I grinned to myself, and stared up at the ceiling.

I let my thoughts drift to Ash and everybody else. I wondered what they were up to and where they were since they hadn’t come home yet. Could they have gathered I didn’t want them to? Ah… Ashton could read pieces of my mind, of everyone’s mind.

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