Love Sucks - 42

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I'm so sorry for not being around for months! I've had a lot of exams since my last upload, which means rivision and coursework. College is difficult, but I'm getting there. Plus we had Christmas and New Year, so I was christmas shopping, celebrating, etc etc.

Anyway, I know this chapter is short, but I thought it was better than nothing :)

Hope you all had a Merry Christmas (if you celebrate Christmas) & a Happy New Year!


Chapter forty-two;

“Please, my Lords, have mercy!”

The girl’s screams echoed throughout the halls of the Kingdom. I watched on as the hooded figures that I now served cast a dark cloud of thick smoke around the teen, smothering her until she couldn’t breathe. She fell to the hot ground, choking and spluttering as she gazed upon her murderers, who merely laughed at her pleas. I felt a ghost of a smile touch my mouth as my masters turned to face me. With a single nod in my direction, I knew it was my turn. I felt the anticipation course through my veins, the excitement building up as I stepped forth.

“You have been good to us, Sir Alexander,” Lord Gabriel, the hooded figure in the middle, said. “Good soldiers receive rewards, my son.”

As the three of them dawned upon me, I swooped low, bowing in their presence as a sign of my respect for them. Gabriel patted my back with his delicate, mangled hand as they walked by to stand with the rest of our army to wait for my finale to kill the girl.

The smoke had long since gone, allowing the girl to breathe once more.

Not for much longer, I thought. I grinned down at the girl as she cowered against the wall at the sight of me.

“What’s your name, then?” I asked her, crouching down to her level, kicking in my tricks once more.

She hyperventilated for some time, unable to talk nor breathe, only stare right into my eyes. I rolled my eyes, inpatient after five long minutes of her not saying anything. I grew tired of waiting, so I grabbed her by the throat and held her up against the wall. Before she had time to react, I’d ripped the flesh off one side of her neck and had already begun drinking. She didn’t whimper, no, for the only sound that escaped her was a few moans and then some choking sounds as death began to take her over. I detached my mouth from her neck and dropped her on the floor, where she lay in foetus position, clutching her neck, unable to scream as blood poured from her wound. I cocked my head to the side, fascinated by her pain as it sparked a streak of pleasure within me. Her blue eyes bored up into mine, her silent pleas unable to activate my sympathy. Her own blood stained her blonde hair, and I knew she’d be lying there, still alive and struggling with the pain for at least another ten minutes.

“Like a true rogue,” Alistair, one of my masters, chuckled.

I wiped my mouth on my sleeve, looked up at him and grinned, exposing my razor sharp teeth. “She won’t die for at least another ten minutes.” I replied, triumph heavy in my voice.

“Royal blood always tastes much better, don’t you agree Sir Alexander?” I couldn’t see Alistair’s smirk, but I could hear it. I could hear the proudness of his tone, which was always a bonus.

“Definitely.” I nodded.

“We mustn’t waste any more time, my Lords. The alarms haven’t yet been activated, but we cannot have long to get to the King.” Roman, my fellow Rogue, warned. He looked at me, hoping for my back up. His dark brown eyes and copper hair reminded me of someone I once knew, but whom I couldn’t tell you.

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