Love Sucks - 29

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Hola mi amigos! That's right, I'm back! >:D

But I can't talk Spanish. "Hello my friends" is all I know... sad, considering I have a Spanish exam next week, but hey-ho.

I know, I keep leaving chapters for like, two weeks, and I've got good reasons! Those reasons being now that I'm back at school and in my final year of compulsory education, I'm drowning in schoolwork! Sorry

I wanna say a huge thanks as well to those who have recently become a fan of me and Love Sucks. And I want to give a cyber-hug to Rory (aka auroradavis16) cos I'm missing you, your stories and your awesome comments!

Oh, and the first ever trailer for Love Sucks was made recently, by the one and only, Sophie (silly-sophie)! Check it out.. I love it so much xD!

Enough of me.



Chapter twenty-nine;


Saosin - Nothing Is What It Seems

A/N: I have much love for this band. It's hard to find a good space to put in one of their songs because they're easily unlikable, but I think it adds up what Cathy's thinking about both Alex and her mum? :D


"Only fourteen?" I asked throatily. My eyes stung with the tears that threatened to rise to the surface, but I blinked them back. All the excitement and fragile bliss was gone, replaced by a lash of fear that coursed around my body. Alex looked down at the floor as if he were ashamed of himself again. Leaves from nearby trees rustled as they began to shred from the branches, each one landing with an individual crispy sound on the path. We stood there in silence for a while, no sounds being made besides the whistling wintery winds that surrounded us. Everything that had been enclosed in that moment we'd shared, it all stayed in that moment.

Now we were back to reality; back to the cold truth.

"That's so little time," I whispered. "Two weeks..."

He moved forward and wrapped his arms around me. He brushed the traitor tears off of my cheeks. He didn't say anything, but the look in his eyes told me he knew there wasn't anything he could say to make it better. Things were coming to an end; it was a closure that I never wished for. It had taken me months to see that, even after all the pain and torture, the worrying, the misery... this wasn't how I wanted it to end. A part of me didn't want this to end full stop. All the fairytales, the nightmares, the love, blood, rage and desire - it was all here. It was all inside me, in my memories, my mind. It was following me like shadows of the night. It was becoming a part of me. Everything that had meaning was dead - all besides one. And he was standing in front of me, staring up at the grey skies.

There were a lot of things I didn't want to let go of in the world I'd becoming etched into, but Alex was the main figure. He had brought me into this world, and it seemed he would be with me when I left it.

But this wasn't all about him and I. It was about the life I had once led, the creatures I've faced and had yet to face. It was about the humanity that Alex wanted, and it was about the fake friends I was leaving behind. It was about the murder of my mother, and the way my human memories clung to my mind like super glue. It was the unsustainable desire for all the things we couldn't have, and the oncoming unquenchable thirst they always felt, and for me, the burning fires setting alight deep inside my chest. It was all about everything that had changed; all that we were, all that we would have been and all we could be. The love, lust, lies and laughs - it was all part of the game we were playing. The vampires were right back at the house; it was a loosing battle. Maybe they couldn't see it, but in the midst of the looming energy of what was left of our lives - mine human, theirs centuries made up of a war - really was coming to an end. It hardly made sense, but in just as many ways, it all fitted like pieces of a puzzle.

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