Love Sucks - 43

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I'm back! :D I'm just gonna say thank you for reading, I'll leave my note at the end of the chapter <3

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Chapter forty-three;

Another few days passed by after my discharge, each day become just another blur of existence. Truthfully, I could scarcely remember conversations or things I did just an hour prior to present. I didn’t tell Ashton that when he came round to make sure I was okay and to ask if I felt up for doing anything. I kept my weak memory to myself, and declined his offer to do something productive, stating I’d rather be alone.

And that was the truth. Ever since leaving the hospital, I felt more… free. My list of to-do’s had begun to wipe itself clean, and I now promised to focus on the present instead of the future.

I wanted to tell myself that I no longer needed to do anything about Alex’s decision to become a rogue, but deep down I knew that wasn’t true. That night we spent together, and every other time we had, kept drifting into my mind. I felt stupid – I felt betrayed – I felt… human. If my father was here, he’d have told me that it would be okay, that it was just a teenage love, that there would be plenty more to come, and then he’d sit me on the sofa, get mum to make me a hot chocolate and he’d stick a film on. He’d then try to persuade me to give him Alex’s address, and say something like, “I’m not gonna hurt him – I’m not gonna hurt him, I just want to talk- I just want to talk to him, I just want to kill him-“ and so on and so forth. My father was a protective man despite his battle with cancer. Even though I’d never had a boyfriend whilst he was alive, I knew exactly what he’d have said. The idea that I had no mother or father here to make me hot chocolate or tell me it’s going to be okay only made the nights so much worse. I’d lie in bed, drifting in and out of sleep all night, restless, thinking of all the things I should have done differently.

But I can’t go back. Mum and Dad aren’t coming back, and it’s time I accepted that, as much as it pained me. Alex’s return was something I could make happen while I still had the chance, the passion for him. If my parents weren’t coming back, then Alex sure as hell would be, because I can’t do this on my own.

The next day, on my fifth day of being out of the hospital, I had a visitor. It wasn’t Ashton, to my surprise. It was Pandora.

I’d just been doing some housework (well, pretending to do housework, anyway), when a brisk knock sounded thrice at the door over my music. I switched off my iPod, threw a jacket over myself, for I looked a state, and went to get the door. It had just gone noon by one minute by this time. She stood on my doorstep, just as perfect as the last time I’d seen her over a month ago. She’d left suddenly, and I never did get to thank her for introducing me to visiting my father again. Her hair was pitch black now, but her violet stripes shone through rather brightly. She even had some streaks of fire-truck red in her hair now too. Her skin was still pale and glowing, her eyes still a lovely violet colour. She wore a silvery satin dress that stopped just above her knees, and with that she wore black fishnet tights and grey dolly shoes. She dressed and looked like a human, but I knew underneath that was a gift sent by the Gods to lure in any and every male ever created.

“Cathy,” She said, her voice light. “We need to talk. May I come in?”

I was bewildered at that present time, my jaw hanging open ever so slightly at her appearance. After all, I hadn’t seen her in over a month. I couldn’t think as to why she’d want to come see me. Nonetheless, I nodded and shuffled out of the way so she could walk into the house, and I watched her wander into the hallway before I shut the door. We stood there in silence for a little while, the air tight and somewhat awkward.

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