Love Sucks - 41

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I'm sorry for leaving this for so long. I've just started College, you see, so work is piling up and stuff like that. And I also lost my mojo for a while, but I found it again! :D

Don't hate me D:

Anyway, enjoy! Let me know what you think :3 xx


Chapter forty-one;


Evanescence - My Immortal


Cold, it was so cold. The air around me was so thin, so icy that it almost hurt the second it caressed my cheeks. But I was slowly, slowly swaying in what felt like a salty ocean underneath the night sky, all pain forgotten and left behind. At least, some of it had been left behind. There was an ever-lasting ache in my heart as if the blade was still firmly in place, but I knew this sort of pain wasn’t caused by a blade. It was caused by a love that went wrong. A love that was never meant to be in the first place. A love that would stay with me for as long as I should live – and even here, in oblivion, it lingered. A love that would forever leave a lock on my heart, for I knew now never to trust anybody like that again. I’d done that the first time round, and look where that got me. When I thought things had changed, look where that got me.

Left for dead, swaying in oblivion’s oceans, hoping that at some point soon whoever it is that runs that place in the clouds would come and scoop me up and take me to somewhere where pain was non-existent. A place where I could forget all the ways I’d been damaged these past few months.

I felt something cold on my right hand, as if somebody’s hand was on top of mine, tugging, squeezing. I squeezed at the air, confused as to how I could have felt that so far out at sea.

But then, with that one movement, the night sky above me began to shatter and fall. Stars began to flash and disappear into the blackness, and slowly, as if the tide was going out, the ocean washed away from around me, leaving me firmly… somewhere.

That squeeze of my hand came again, but this time I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even move my eyes to glance around, and despite the lack of change, I still felt my eyes close on their own accord.

“Come on Cathy, come back to me,” Somebody whispered.

Slowly, so slowly, I could inhale. The air was cold and bitter with sobs and sorrow, but it tasted… wonderful. It soothed the fires that were burning deep within me. Slowly, I exhaled, and inhaled once more, steadily, carefully. And slowly, so, so slowly I began to gain feeling of my entire body again. My head felt as light as air, but my heart was just as shattered in this… place (could it be reality?) as it was in the dimension of the Damned, or in oblivion. Despite gaining consciousness of my muscles and bones, I felt as if a weight was pressing down on my whole body, preventing me from moving.

Ever so slightly, light began to surface on the other side of my eyelids. Shadows flickered about here and there.




I was… awake.

I could smell the strong stench all hospitals stank of. I could hear people shuffling around the room. I could see the sunlight dawning outside the window. I could feel the heat of the room pressing against my skin. I could feel Ashton’s hand in mine. I could see them – the vampires. The vampires who didn’t even know the half of what I felt, but were all here to see me come back. Ash, Poppy, Cherlindrea, Claude; they were all here.

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