Love Sucks - 1

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A/N: It's edited! I finally did it! I'm currently editing the entire story, but I re-wrote the first few chapters for the third time. Hope you like 'em :).


Chapter One;

Running; always running. The darkness of the night enveloped me as I pushed myself to run faster down the uneven concrete streets of my hometown. Houses blurred past me, their windows lit with a warm glow of a comfortable home. The streetlights were dotted scarcely on the streets, so I mainly relied on the bright white full moon that pierced the black sky above me for light. My breathing was so heavy that my chest ached. My lungs, my ribs, my heart ached. My eyes stung with salty tears that lingered a while before rolling down my cheeks.

I just wanted to get away from the house I was supposed to call home. I wanted to get away from the houses that surrounded me, because I knew that on the other side of the glass windows was a family. A family that might be a little uncertain at times, and one that may fight a lot, but a family nonetheless.

It was more than what I had.

And it was all I wanted; a family, a home.

I wanted to be loved.

The aching in my chest was enough direction as to where I was headed to. Ignoring my phone ringing shrilly in my pocket, I slowed to a jogging pace when I was sure I was far enough from… home. It was times like these that I realised I really had absolutely nothing going for me, that I had no reason to stick around, no reason to try. But it was also times like these that I realised other people had it worse off than me, I was just too selfish to pay attention.

Not just me, but the entire human race. We’re all selfish in our own way… some more than others.

When every muscle in my body began to protest at my jogging pace, I eventually slowed to a walk. Glancing around at my surroundings, I took in the dark field across the road from where I stood and the wrought black iron gates that were chained shut just ahead. No matter, I thought, I’ll just climb the wall.

With a limp run towards the stone wall, I hoisted myself to the top and lingered there for a little while, paranoia setting in at the sound of husky drunken voices nearby. I’d grown up in this very city from the moment I was born; seventeen long years, but even I knew the streets weren’t so safe after dark. I shivered in the cold, and my muscles froze, leaving me rigid on the wall. My tattered converses were slipping off my feet from where I’d hurriedly tied the laces so loosely, and albeit, it was a terrible mistake of mine to have forgotten my coat.

“Hey darlin’,” I heard somebody holler from down the street. I ran my hand through my blonde hair, pushing it away from my faces as my eyes scanned the darkness. I cursed under my breath when I saw just how high the walls were, and again when I set my eyes on the group of men approaching me.

“You need a hand off that wall baby?” Another chuckled.

“Go Cathy,” I whispered to myself, my voice shaky with rising sobs. I felt betrayed, lonely, cold, not to mention stiff. “Just jump, damnit.” I cursed under my breath when my converses slipped off my feet and into the cemetery grounds. I swallowed my sobs and my fear, and kicked myself off the wall.

I fell to my feet, but as I bent my knees to soften my fall, I collapsed into the mud next to my converse. The stench of grass filled my nostrils as little blades brushed my cheek. I let the tears fall now, not caring about the men on the other side of the wall, not caring about anything.

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