Chapter 5

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Things started changing slowly, but later Hermione would mark that night as the beginning. Zabini began acknowledging her with a small nod whenever their paths crossed and Nott began sitting with Hermione whenever they were in the library at the same time, even if the rest of the tables weren't full. A few nights a week she ended up out at the lake with Malfoy. It was never planned and they rarely spoke and he didn't touch her again, they just shared his flask and sat in the stillness of it all. Occasionally he would join her and Nott in the library and he even smiled at her once, though Hermione knew he didn't mean to.

It was the second week of October when McGonagall announced that instead of the usual Halloween feast, they would be holding a ball instead. Ginny immediately perked up, excited at the prospect of actually getting to let their hair down. Harry watched her happily, happy as long as Ginny was, but Ron groaned. Hermione chuckled as memories of The Yule Ball flooded her mind.

"Oh don't tell me you're happy about it too." Ron grumbled.

"It could be fun." She mused. "It's not going to be as formal as The Yule Ball was."

"Yeah, no Viktor either." Ron teased, causing Hermione to actually laugh.

"You should ask Samantha." She told him, referring to the Hufflepuff girl he had been taken with lately. "Before someone else does."

"Then who are you going with?" Ginny asked, not bothering to hide her disappointment. Hermione knew Ginny had always hoped her and Ron would end up together. "Nott?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Just because we study together that doesn't mean anything." Hermione said, rolling her eyes.

"Krum used to haunt the library just to spend time with you too." Harry teased.

"She's not going with a Death Eater." Ron snapped.

"Well let's ask him." Ginny said, her eyes wandering over Hermione's head. "Oi! Nott!"

Hermione's head whipped around and she caught the surprised look that flashed across his face as Ginny caught him and Malfoy just before they walked out. Malfoys eyes landed on her and he subtly quirked his eyebrow. Hermione just rolled her eyes as the two boys slowly approached.

"Ginevra, I will murder you." She whispered just before Nott and Malfoy fell into the bench beside her.

"You called Weasley?" Nott said, resting his elbow on the table.

"Ginny, don't." Hermione warned.

"I was just wondering who you were thinking about asking to The Ball." Ginny said, innocently.

Malfoy suddenly let out a bark-like laugh and Hermione's eyes found his, lit up for a change. His eyes were dancing between Ginny and Nott before they settled on Hermione. No one ever said Malfoy was stupid, he had caught on quickly.

"Yeah, Theo. Who do you want to go to The Ball with?" Malfoy drawled out.

"Um, well, I was thinking about asking Pansy." Nott muttered, suddenly looking uncomfortable.

"Oh." Ginny breathed out, deflating slightly.

"Sorry to disappoint, but I thought Golden Boy had a claim on you." Nott said, clearly trying to cover his embarrassment.

"She's not asking for herself." Harry assured him.

Malfoy let out another laugh, clearly trying to contain it. Hermione glared at him, willing her cheeks to stop burning. His eyes met hers, bright and shining and Hermione was suddenly struck by the sight. Once upon a time she hated that look, it meant something scathing was about to come out of his mouth, but she was able to appreciate how his whole face softened now. The hard lines of his cheeks rounded slightly as the corners of his mouth turned up. His eyes sparkled, more blue then the steel gray they usually were, as they looked into hers.

"Damn, Granger, a couple study sessions and you're ready to swoon for the Death Eater?" He said, his tone light.

"I need a drink." She muttered under her breath.

"Who are you taking then, ferret?" Ron snapped.

Ron was glaring at Malfoy, holding no trust in Malfoy being able to be civil. Hermione looked between the two, nervous now that the first shot had been thrown out.

"Something strong and fiery, if I even go." Malfoy said. "Don't fret, weasel, I'm sure someone will feel sorry enough for you to say yes."

Ron had just opened his mouth to retort when Ginny slammed her hand on the table.

"We are not doing this." She snapped and the boys all bowed their heads like they had just been scolded by their mothers. "You have all demonstrated the ability to remain civil, so we will remain civil. The Wizarding World is watching us, like it or not, and we're setting the precedent."

"That doesn't mean we have to be friends with them." Ron snapped before storming out of the hall.

"Sorry." Harry mumbled before following Ron.

"You just had to call him a weasel." Ginny sighed and Malfoy smirked.

"He started it." He said.

"I'll catch up." Hermione said, as Ginny stood.

Hermione began gathering her book and the essay she had been reviewing back into her bag as Ginny went off to find Ron and Harry.

"Granger, you don't actually want me to ask you to the ball right? Cause I don't want to offend." Nott began but Hermione interrupted.

"Gods, no. No offense, of course, but I know about you and Pansy." She said, swinging her bag over her shoulder. "Now, if you had asked me back in fourth year, my answer may have been different."

He looked up at her with wide eyes before Malfoy nudged his shoulder.

"She's joking, twit." He grumbled, swinging his legs off the bench and standing as well. "You're joking, right?"

Hermione just shrugged at him and turned away.

"Granger." Malfoy called after her but she didn't stop.

"See you later." She said, going to find her friends.

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