Chapter 28

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April brought better weather and even better news. The Slytherins eyed the Gryffindor's one morning as half the table, it seemed, cheered and all started hugging and congratulating Ron and Ginny. Bill had owled them and Fleur was expecting a new baby.

"Just what this world needs. More Weasleys." Draco mumbled when he heard the news.

"You don't hate us anymore, remember?" Ginny teased him.

"Hey, I'm just playing nice until Granger lets me into her knickers." Draco said and Hermione swatted his arm.

"More of you than your hand, you mean?" Ginny said quietly, making Draco smile and eye Hermione.

"You two better shut up or neither of you will know anything about who 'gets into my knickers'." Hermione snapped feeling her cheeks burn.

"Just teasing, Granger." Draco whispered in her ear before turning to Ron. "In all seriousness, congrats weasel. Let's hope your brother's kid is nothing like you."

"You ain't lying, mate." Ron replied with a grin.

The week before they were going to leave to head to The Burrow for Easter Ron got an owl from Molly. Angelina Johnson had showed up on their doorstep with a very drunk George. George was still a mess but he was ready to come home so Molly thought it would be best if they didn't overwhelm him. She apologized profusely but it would be best if they stayed at Hogwarts while George recovered more. She would see them in a couple weeks anyway, at the memorial for The Battle of Hogwarts. Hermione had to admit she wasn't too upset, she did miss Molly and Arthur and would have loved to see George, but she wasn't ready to leave Draco yet.

On Easter morning they joined the Slytherins for breakfast. The owl post swooped in and everyone received a chocolate dragon egg filled with treats from Molly, even Draco, Blaise, Pansy, and Theo. Draco opened a box his mother had sent and passed Blaise, Theo, and Pansy treats his mother had sent for them. Hermione saw his eyebrow twitch slightly as he stared into the box before pulling out a beautiful Fabergé egg. He flipped the tag on it, his eyebrows flying up before he set it in front of Hermione.

"It's for you." He mumbled and Hermione heart raced as she stared at it.

"I don't.." She started before clearing her throat and trying again. "I don't want to offend but it won't hurt me, will it?"

"I wouldn't have put it in front of you if it would." Draco said, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Hermione nodded and opened the egg to find a bit of parchment inside.

'I told you he wasn't that bad.

Thank you and Happy Easter.

With love,


Hermione grinned as she remembered her last meeting with Draco's mum. Draco was absorbed in a letter his mother had sent him but Ginny was watching her with wide eyes. When breakfast was done they made their way out to the grounds, Draco lost in thought.

"I can't believe she sent you that." He mumbled to Hermione while they trailed behind their friends who were racing to the lake.

"A show of goodwill." She said.

"That egg is an heirloom." Draco told her, "She must really like you."

"Like her son?" She teased.

Draco pushed her laughing, making her stumble. He kept hold of her hand until her feet were steady again then he dropped it and ran. She chased after him, laughing. Draco stopped when he reached the lake but Hermione jumped onto his back, making Draco stumble forward. His arms grabbed her legs and he hoisted her higher on his back, his grip getting tighter.

"You're going in the lake." He growled as he took a few steps toward the water.

"No! Draco, you wouldn't dare!" Hermione shrieked and when he didn't stop she brought her lips to his ear. "I won't let you touch me for a week."

Draco immediately dropped her.

"Cruel." He grumbled.

"Desperate times." She shot back.

They started a fire when the sun began to sink. Draco told them Narcissa had written to Andromeda and they had made plans to get together this summer. He called Topsy and the elf brought them snacks to pass around. It wasn't long before Draco's flask made an appearance. They played Never Have I Ever and their game about the headlines, laughing as Draco was torn between drinking or not over a headline that he was in love and planned to marry Hermione. Eventually Draco laid back pulling Hermione with him.

"I keep waiting for it to fade." He whispered to her.

"For what to fade?" She asked.

He stared up at the heavens, hesitating, like he was afraid to jinx it.

"Feeling happy." He murmured.

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