Chapter 17

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Hermione tried to stretch the next morning but there was no room to move. Her eyes fluttered open, coming face to face with a green tie. She was sandwiched between the back of the black leather couch and Draco. She shifted so she could look up into his sleeping face. He looked younger in his sleep, his face completely relaxed for once, lips slightly parted, breaths coming soft and slow. She stretched her hand out from where it was tucked against his chest and brushed her fingers against his lips. His eyes flew open, immediately on guard, but he relaxed when he looked down at her. His hand left her waist and cupped her cheek, almost like he was checking if she was real. His eyes fell shut again as his thumb stroked her cheek.

Hermione lifted her head to see over him, catching sight of Harry and Ginny on the other couch and Ron in one of the arm chairs, all asleep. She assumed Pansy, Theo, and Blaise had made their way to their bed, Parvati with Blaise. Catching sight of the clock she saw it was only 4:30, she had only slept a couple hours. When she rested her head back down, Draco was watching her. His thumb brushed over her lips and he ran a finger along her jaw, down her neck, across her collarbones. Her breathing deepened as his hand grazed over her breasts, down to the hem of her shirt. He pushed his hand under her shirt, up her bare stomach only stopping to trace the edge of her bra. She met his dark eyes and he raised his eyebrows. Hermione nodded, answering his unasked question and he pushed his hand under her bra to cup her breast.

She gasped as his thumb circled her nipple and he shushed her. Heat pooled between her legs as he caught her lips, immediately pushing his tongue into her mouth. He shoved his leg between hers and she felt herself throb as his thigh pressed against her. Draco's fingers pinched her nipple lightly and Hermione's hips bucked against his leg. She gasped again at the feeling that shot through her at the friction. Draco grinned down at her as his hand left her breast to slide down and unbutton her pants. He watched her face carefully as he ran his finger just inside her underwear. He leaned down to kiss just by her ear as his hand flattened out against her stomach, his fingers twitching slightly against her skin.

"Stop me." He breathed out against her neck.

Hermione grabbed his wrist, feeling like her heart was about to rip from her chest. He pulled back, his dark grey eyes meeting hers and she took a deep breath before pushing his hand down. His chest rumbled as his fingers met her, pushing gently as he shifted against her. Volts were shooting through her at his tentative touch. He pushed himself up so he could run his hand through her hair as he ran his long finger up her slit. His finger brushed a spot that made her let out a soft moan and push herself harder into his hand. He wound his other hand into the hair at the back of her head and tugged so she was looking up at him. His fingers pushed against that spot again and she couldn't stop the moan that fell from her lips. Draco looked away from her to scan the common room but everyone was still asleep.

"Sh, love, you have to be quiet." He murmured as he bent down and kissed her softly.

The gentle kiss made her stomach flip in contrast with his rough hold on her hair and the small quick circles he had started between her legs. She whimpered against his lips and he smiled. Her stomach tightened up as pressure built up behind where his fingers were working against her. His hand let go of her hair and grabbed her neck, using his thumb to push her head slightly to the side. He nipped her ear lobe as her legs began to shake, his fingers working faster against her.

"That's it, Hermione." He whispered to her. "Just let go."

Her hips pushed down as the pressure between her legs began to overwhelm her. She grabbed his arm, her nails digging into the fabric of his sleeve as she fought to keep her eyes from falling shut. She bit at her lip to stop the noise that was trying to burst from her. His hand flew from her neck to her chin as he yanked her face over to meet his. As his lips crashed onto hers the tension in her groin burst, sending shock waves throughout her body.

His fingers slowed, guiding her through her orgasm as she clutched his shoulder. She opened her eyes and met his, their foreheads pressed against each other. He brushed his nose against hers as he pulled his hand out of her pants, wiping it on his leg. Draco softly pecked her lips as she tried to gain control of her breathing again.

Once her heart rate was normal and her breaths back to their usual rhythm he sat up, pulling her up beside him. She couldn't seem to look at him as she studied her hands instead but she could feel his eyes on her. He reached out and tucked a strand of her hair that had fallen in her face behind her ear.

"Are you ok?" He asked her.

She finally turned to look at him and she could see the hint of worry in his eyes. He was trying to hide it but he was either too hungover or too tired to do it well.

"Bathroom." She muttered, pushing herself up, making her way across the room on shaky legs.

Once the door closed behind her she leaned against it and tried to shake the fog that clouded her brain. She felt like her mind should be racing with thoughts but she just really wanted to go back to sleep, with his arms around her again. She turned the sink on and splashed some cold water on her face before looking up at herself in the mirror. Draco Malfoy had just given her her first orgasm and she didn't regret it. At that moment she was ready to just let him do it again and again until the day she died. After a deep breath she began cleaning herself up the best she could.

Hermione shoved her pants up when someone softly tapped at the door. She pulled it open a crack to see Draco leaning against the door frame, now in a pair of loose black sweatpants and a plain white long sleeved shirt. He held up some bunched up clothes in his hand and tried to smile.

"I, uh, thought you might be more comfortable with something clean on." He said, sounding unsure.

She took the bundle from him, a pair of boxers falling to the floor between them. She stared down at them and the whole situation suddenly seemed ridiculous. Draco pushed her in so he could close the door behind him as she started laughing.

"You're going to wake the whole house." He said, unable to fight the slight smile that spread at her laughter.

"Are those your underwear?" She asked him, trying to contain her laughter.

"Do you really think I'd give you someone else's? I thought yours might be a little.. wet." He said, watching her like she had lost her mind.

She looked up at him and started laughing again. Concern was splashed openly across his face as he watched her.

"Are you still drunk?" He asked, worry lacing his tone.

"No. I'm sorry. I'm fine. I just.." she said, trying to find the words. "You don't think this is a little absurd?"

"Which part?" He asked, his face suddenly blank, eyes guarded.

"That you, of all people, just gave me a fucking orgasm, using the arm that bares the fucking dark mark might I add, and you're being incredibly sweet right now and I'm acting like a fucking lunatic because all I can think about is letting you do it again." She spat out, picking at the sweatpants in her hand instead of actually looking at him.

"Wait until the first mouth to call you a mudblood makes you cum, then we'll call it absurd." He said lightly and Hermione's head shot up.

She breathed out a small chuckle and shook out the pants, full on laughing when she saw the Slytherin crest on the hip. Draco grabbed her and pulled her into him, the pants falling to the floor as he kissed her before smiling down at her.

"People change." He mumbled before looking pointedly at the pants. "So should you."

He pushed away from her, leaving her to get herself together. She changed quickly, exhaustion settling over her as she adjusted Draco's boxers in his sweatpants. Shoving her panties into her jeans pocket and folding them neatly she took a deep breath and pushed the bathroom door open. Draco's eyes scanned her from head to toe before he smiled. Taking her in, wearing his green t-shirt and the gray sweatpants with the Slytherin crest.

"You look good in green." He whispered, grabbing her hand.

He pulled her down, trapping her between the back of the couch and his body again. She rested her forehead against his chest and took a deep breath, his mahogany and mint scent engulfing her. Her eyes fell shut as Draco played with her hair, the sound of his heartbeat soothed away any second thoughts she had. Just as she drifted off again, he placed a soft kiss on top of her head.

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