Chapter 11

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Hermione wasn't sure how it happened, but she found herself enjoying life again. The quidditch games became a regular thing, every few days they headed out to the pitch to blow off steam. No one stopped them, quite the opposite actually as more people began to show up. At first it was just other 7th years, Ron's new girlfriend Samantha, Padma and Parvati, Neville and Luna all joined Pansy and Hermione in the stands. Millicent Bulstrood from Slytherin and Seamus joined the players so they began releasing a bludger, making the games more nerve wracking as the pair swatted at the ferocious ball.

By the time Sunday rolled around again, however, small groups began filling the stands. Some timid first years and second years, but mostly a handful of kids from 3rd year and up from each house. Hermione was actually a little surprised to see McGonagall take a seat in an empty box. Hermione watched the players whispering to each other on the field, clearly unsettled by the unexpected audience. She saw Harry and Draco both glance up at McGonagall, wondering if she was going to stop them. McGonagall just smiled down on them and they seemed to take that as permission as they all pushed off into the air.

Draco breezed by their booth, followed closely by Harry. Draco's behavior towards her hadn't changed, he seemed to be pretending the night at the stadium hadn't happened. She hadn't been alone with him since, not having time to come out to the lake. Her, Pansy, and Ginny had begun eating lunch together, laughing over whatever The Prophet or Witch Weekly had decided to publish about them. Draco had joined them a couple times, not saying much, just sitting and listening. He had come to the library a few times with Theo as well, but he never gave any inclination that anything had happened between them.

Seamus released the bludger and snitch before kicking off and tossing the quaffle into the air, Ginny snatching it before Blaise could. Millicent hit a bludger at Ginny, making her drop the quaffle as she dodged it. Blaise sped up the field to Ron, Seamus too preoccupied with hitting the bludger at Draco, who was speeding off with a look of concentration on his face.

"Fuck!" He yelled as he pulled up at the last second, the bludger narrowly missing him.

Hermione laughed as Draco rolled before flipping off Seamus.

"Right back at ya, mate." Seamus called as he sped past Draco.

Draco paused in the air just in front of their box. He pulled his sweater off and tossed it at her, his eyes meeting hers briefly. He smiled before turning away and flying off, making Hermione's stomach erupt with butterflies. She had to resist the urge to burrow her face into his sweater, his scent drifting up to her off of it. Hermione dropped it on the bench beside her, catching Pansy's eye. The other girl raised her eyebrow at her.

"What?" Hermione asked her.

"Nothing." Pansy said, turning her attention back to the game. "Nothing at all."

After playing three rounds, Harry catching the snitch first, then Draco and a third to break the tie, the Gryffindor's were the winners. Draco swung himself from his broom into their box, Hermione handing him his sweater. As he pulled it over his head, Hermione couldn't pull her eyes away from him. The rest had already filed out to meet the others on the field.

"What?" Draco asked, running his hand through his hair.

"Are we ever going to talk about it or are we just pretending it never happened?" She asked him, needing to get on the same page as him.

"What's there to talk about?" He asked, his body tensing as though she was about to hex him.

"How you actually feel.." she started, but he cut her off.

"A quick snog doesn't mean I have feelings for you, Granger." He said coldly. "We've all had a rough year, yeah? What can I say? I'm human, and you're a warm body."

"So, I was just someone to shag?" She snapped, hating herself as her eyes burned.

"Like I'd ever actually shag you." He snapped.

"What?" She asked, surprised at the venom in his tone.

"I thought you were smart. Just because I can play at civility that doesn't mean I'm going to fall in love with you. I haven't changed, Granger. I'm still the Malfoy who called you a mudblood." He continued, his eyes lingering on her arm for a moment. "The same one who stood by while his aunt carved it into your arm. Just because I can tolerate you being around, that doesn't mean my feelings go any deeper than that."

"You're a pig, Malfoy." Hermione cried, pushing past him.

"I've been told." He said softly, staring at the floor as she rushed out.

Hermione leaned against the wall, taking a few deep breaths and wiping her eyes. She could hear her friends just on the other side and she couldn't let them see her like this. She couldn't let the peace they had all found break. She had known better than to trust Malfoy, the rational part of her brain scolded her. Hermione sighed and wiped at her face again before turning and making her way out the door, a smile on her lips. She met the rest in the middle of the field, blending into them easily.

"Where's Draco?" Pansy asked, glancing back toward the door.

Hermione's eyes wandered up toward their box, Draco sitting on the ledge staring up into the heavens.

"He's been in a weird mood." Theo mumbled.

"His whole life has been a weird mood." Pansy joked.

"Should we leave him or are we afraid he'll jump?" Blaise asked, something in his tone telling her he wasn't completely joking.

"He'll be fine." Pansy said, "Now, I think a certain Gryffindor is making eyes at you."

Blaise looked over and caught Parvati's eye, Parvati turning away quickly, a blush coloring her cheeks. He grinned wolfishly before bowing to them slightly.

"Excuse me." He said, drifting over to the girl.

"Did Draco say anything to you?" Pansy asked her and Hermione forced a smile onto her face.

"No." She said. "Not a word."

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