Chapter 24

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Hermione was eating breakfast the next morning when an unfamiliar owl dropped a letter in front of her. It was unaddressed and when she opened it she was met with Draco's shaky handwriting.

'To whoever finds this,

I'm sorry for the mess. Make sure they know there was nothing they could have done. That I was always going to end up here. Hopefully I'll be able to be buried without that fucking mark on my left arm. I'm going to do my best to get it off first. If I fail, just bury me in long sleeves, probably going to have to anyway.'

It was Draco's suicide note Hermione realized, her heart stuttering as her eyes flew over the words addressed to his mum, Blaise, Pansy, Theo, and finally her.

'Mum, this wasn't your fault, it wasn't fathers either, not really. Please, just move on. Find your sister. I've been thinking about her a lot lately and I think you two need each other. Potter will help. There was nothing you could have done differently. I love you. You're why I stayed for so long in the first place.

Blaise, look out for my mum. I don't know who the estate passes to but don't let anyone take it from her. You were a good friend, Zabini. You tried.

Pansy, marry Theo. Have your hoard of children. Name one after me.

Theo, mate, don't. Don't blame yourself. I'm good at hiding shit. We both know that. You wouldn't have been able to tell even if you weren't distracted by Pansy. I wouldn't have made it this far without you. I'd be rotting in Azkaban without you. Just know, this was worth it.

Hermione, I love you. You allowed me to feel alive again. We probably wouldn't have worked in the real world but here, for a little while, we did. I'll just be a story you tell but you, you were it for me. I tried to catch you, love, and I'm so sorry for all of it.'

Her eyes darted to the Slytherin table, catching Theo watching her. He held her gaze for a second before his eyes flickered to the letter. He looked away and Hermione knew he sent it. That's what Draco had lost.

'Don't show her that. I just needed it to be out there. Let her move on. Let her hate me.

Sincerely and for the final time,

Draco Malfoy.'

"Hermione!" Ron exclaimed as she knocked over a cup in her haste.

Hermione didn't stop though, as she rushed from the room. She ran through the halls, clutching the paper in her hand. When she burst through the doors of the hospital wing Draco pushed himself up, startled.

"What's wrong?" He asked before his eyes landed on the paper she held. "Oh."

"You're more than just a story, Draco." She snapped, throwing the letter onto his bed.

"You were never supposed to see that. Whoever gave you that is.." he stared, staring down at the page.

"I love you too." She cut him off.

Draco stopped talking, his eyes going wide. The muscle along his jaw twitched as he watched her. His hand balled into a fist around his blanket.

"What?" He breathed out.

"I love you." She told him again.

She fell onto the bed, wrapping her arms around him. He tensed up, still trying to process what she was saying, before he wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her hair. She could feel his chest heaving against her as he took a couple deep breaths. Finally regaining control of his emotions he fell back against his pillows, pulling Hermione with him. She rested her head in his chest, listening to his steady heart beat as she stared down at his now unbandaged arm, an angry red jagged line cut through his dark mark.

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