Chapter 9

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Hermione's eyes opened the next day and immediately slammed back shut. The morning light was blinding to her hungover eyes. She groaned and rolled over, freezing as she felt a warm body beside her. Her mind flew through the memories from the night before but everything was mixed up and blurry. She knew some of the things had to be a dream but now there was a person in her bed and she was afraid to see who it was. She remembered being out at the lake, everything settled down and they all drank and shared stories. Ron pouted but after a couple pulls of Malfoys flask he loosened up. She remembered Malfoy running his fingers over her scar, him teasing and joking with her. Him kissing her? No that was a dream, it had to be. He had pushed her onto the bed, the bed that now held her and someone else though.

"Dare I say, last night was fun." Came Ginny's muffled voice beside her and Hermione's eyes flew open, facing red hair instead of blonde.

Hermione sighed in relief as Ginny shifted to look at her. 

"Yeah, it actually was." Hermione agreed softly.

"Who knew the Slytherins could be a good time when they weren't trying to kill you?" Ginny laughed out.

Hermione laughed too as she put her memories in order. All of them stumbling back to the dorms, her and Ginny laid down to talk and they must have drifted off. Malfoy had been a dream, him kissing her, touching her, running his fingers down her spine and up her thigh. Pushing her onto the bed and crawling on top of her. Hermione ran her hand down her face, trying to shake the image. Why did she keep having these dreams? Pansy was a bad influence. That had to be it, Pansy's remarks and teasing about her time with Malfoy were just seeping into her subconscious.

"Should we go see if the boys are alive?" Ginny asked.

"In a couple minutes, I don't think I can stand right now." Hermione grumbled.

By the time they all made their way down to The Great Hall to get food it was closer to lunchtime then breakfast. The Hall had been restored to its usual look at some point during the night  and they all took their seats and tried to find something that wouldn't turn their stomachs. Hermione gave up and rested her head on the table, the light still hurting her eyes. 

"Well, you lot look chipper." She heard Blaises voice say far too loudly.

Something glass was placed loudly on the table beside her head and Hermione turned slightly to see what it was. Her back straightened quickly when she saw Malfoy sitting beside her, a smirk on his face.

"You Slytherins are demons." Ron grumbled. "How can you be fine right now?"

"Mummy never taught you how to make a hangover cure?" Blaise asked, sitting across from her.

"Drink it. It'll make you feel better." Malfoy said to her softly, nudging the vial he had set down beside her.

Without question she snatched the bottle and emptied it, her face scrunching up at the sour taste. Draco laughed at her as a shiver ran down her spine and suddenly her head felt 10 pounds lighter. It no longer hurt to look at his blinding hair in the bright sun and even her memories seemed more in focus. Blaise handed the others vials of their own and everyone followed Hermione's lead, even Ron.

"I had always heard rumors of Gryffindors parties but I never believed you lot could actually be fun." Blaise said, coolly and Hermione threw a roll at him.

He met her with shocked eyes as it bounced lightly off his chest. Draco laughed first, then almost like they were waiting for permission the rest of them joined. Hermione glanced around the table, no one was as comfortable with the Slytherins presence as she was but they weren't exactly uneasy either. She knew they would never be completely at ease with each other, too much had happened between all of them but hopefully once they left Hogwarts there wouldn't be such a hard line drawn across the houses. 

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