Chapter 16

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The rest of the week flew by, Draco pulling her into abandoned classrooms and deserted corridors every chance he had. He sat beside her toying with her fingers under the table as her and Theo tried to complete their homework. He whispered things that made her blush in her ear during lunch while her, Pansy, and Ginny chatted. On Friday after classes were done she fell into an armchair in the Gryffindor common room, sighing.

"You seem happy." Harry said. "It's nice."

"Thanks." She said with a soft chuckle. "I think I am."

"It's a little weird." Ron said, Ginny throwing a ball of parchment at him. "What? It is Malfoy!"

"I know." Hermione conceded. "Trust me, I know."

"Do you trust him?" Harry asked her.

"I think so." She said. "I think he's a little hesitant about it all too. I mean, he's still the same Draco Malfoy, he's just more comfortable with himself now."

"Was Malfoy ever uncomfortable with himself?" Ginny asked.

"I think he just had so much to live up to." She said, glancing at Harry. "He was never able to just live."

"I know the feeling." Harry mumbled.

"Speaking of weird.." Hermione said, fidgeting with her tie. "Draco invited me down to the dungeons tonight."

"Are you going?" Ginny asked, her eyes lighting up.

"Well, he said you all could come too. Blaise specifically told me to bring Parvati actually. They're kind of having a party."

"A party in the snake pit?" Ron asked.

"What's the difference between that and drinking with them out by the lake?" Ginny asked him.

"Escape options." Ron said, making Harry laugh.

"We're going." Ginny said, grabbing Hermione's hand and dragging her up to their dorm. "See you in an hour."

An hour later they made their way down to the Entrance Hall where Draco said he was going to meet her. Hermione was trying to hide how nervous she actually was, but she could tell she wasn't fooling Ginny. As Draco and Blaise came into sight, Blaise's face brightened when he saw Parvati, Ginny nudged Hermione. Hermione nudged Ginny back and laughed as the girl over exaggerated and stumbled into Harry. Draco fell into step beside her as they entered the dungeons.

"Honestly, I'm surprised they came." He said to her, nodding up to Harry and Ron.

"Ginny didn't give them a choice. She's been dying to get into one of your parties for years." Hermione told him.

"Pressure." He muttered.

The wall slid open as Blaise whispered the password. Draco fell onto a black leather couch, pulling her down next to him. He kissed her quickly, very aware of their audience. Pansy fell onto the couch and smiled at her.

"Granger!" She slurred out excitedly.

"Pansy!" Hermione said, matching her enthusiasm.

"Can't say you haven't been in the dungeons now!" Pansy said, swaying a bit.

"She's drunk." Draco told her. "And going to say something stupid so ignore her."

His arm fell across Hermione's shoulders as Pansy shook her head at him, a soft smile on her face.

"You know what is a great sight, Granger?" Pansy asked.

"Here it comes." Draco mumbled.

"That!" Pansy said, pointing at Draco and he laughed. "Because when Draco is happy, the whole world is better."

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