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"Fuck!" Draco yelled, ducking so the spell just missed his head. "What the hell, Potter? We said nothing lethal."

"It wasn't lethal!" Harry said back, his wand still trained on Draco.

"No but it fucking hurts!" Draco snapped, his wand steady on Harry as well.

Harry laughed and Draco shot off three spells in quick succession. Harry managed to deflect one, dodge another but the third caught him, knocking him off his feet. He pushed himself up quickly, rolling to avoid a fourth spell from Draco's wand. The pair circled each other before something blew between them, knocking them both back into their butts. Draco's eyes snapped over to see Hermione stowing her wand.

"Wands away. You're scaring the children." Hermione snapped.

Draco pushed himself up, twirling his wand between his fingers.

"The kids aren't even out here." Harry said.

"It's cute that you think they're not watching from the windows." Theo said from where he was sitting watching the duel.

Draco's eyes snapped up to the second floor, watching a curtain flutter as though it had just been closed. He rolled his eyes, shoving his wand in his pocket.

"In any case, the food is ready." Pansy said, coming out from the side door carrying a bowl.

Draco pushed his sleeve up from where it had sagged down from the duel as Harry stopped beside him.

"Rematch after dinner?" Harry whispered.

"You're on." Draco muttered back. "Granger!" He grabbed Hermione's hand and pulled her over to him. "Where's Hara?"

"You've been married, what, 10 years, and you still won't call her Hermione?" Ginny said, shaking her head and sitting down across from Theo.

"Oh, I call her Hermione, just not in any situations that are fit to be discussed at a dinner table." Draco replied, winking at Ginny.

Hermione's cheeks turned pink as she swatted at his chest as Ginny and Pansy laughed.

"Ron, call James and Adhara down." She called as Ron dodged Albus who came flying out the door.

"Scor hit me!" Albus cried out, throwing himself into Ginny.

Scorpius came pushing past Ron, grabbing onto Draco's shirt.

"He said you eat dead people." Scorpius blurted out.

"I said he was a Death Eater!" Albus snapped and all the adults in the yard froze.

"Al, where did you hear that?" Harry asked his son gently.

"James said it." Albus muttered.

Ginny pushed herself up and stormed over to the door.

"James Sirius Potter!" She yelled and moments later James and Adhara came stumbling through the door.

"I didn't do it!" James insisted.

"Did you tell your brother Draco was a death eater?" Harry asked, sternly.

Adhara glanced between James and her dad, suspicion written all over her face.

"Isn't that what his tattoo means?" James asked quietly, glancing at Draco.

"Where did you learn that?" Draco asked, his voice cold.

"It was in my book." James replied, looking like he might cry under Draco's intense gaze.

"Which book?" Ginny asked him.

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