Chapter 8

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Hermione didn't even want to think about The Halloween Ball but Ginny was so excited she couldn't disappoint her. She let Ginny tame her curls and put a touch of makeup in her face. She even put on the glittering black dress and a deep blue robe that Ginny had picked out for her. She followed Ginny down the stairs to meet the boys in the common room. Harry's eyes lit up when he saw Ginny and Hermione felt a small smile fall into place on her own face. Ron had been in a bad mood since his blowup with Malfoy a few days before but he smiled at her and muttered that he was meeting Samantha down there. 

The Great Hall was decorated as it usually was for Halloween except the house tables were gone, replaced with a scattering of smaller tables like when The Yule Ball had been held. As they all took their seats, Hermione couldn't help scanning the room until she spotted his blonde head. He was sitting at a table a few feet away with Zabini, Nott, and Pansy, his arms crossed and brow furrowed. She could tell he didn't want to be there and silently she agreed. 

Throughout dinner she talked and smiled with her friends but she didn't like how dim the hall was, the light not reaching the corners, and the music was starting to grate on her nerves. Ginny tried to pull her up to dance but she waved her on, she had never been a fan of dancing and she knew her irritation would only rise with so many people brushing against her. She was running her fingers over the D of her scar when something clinked against the table behind her.

Spinning around she found Malfoys flask sitting beside her cup and she grabbed it to pull it out of sight quickly. She turned and immediately found Malfoy's eyes on her as he tucked his wand away. His eyes widened slightly as she stood and, after a quick glance toward the dance floor, made her way to his table.

"I just thought you were going to drink it, not take it as an invitation." He said as she sat, the muscle under his eye twitching slightly.

"Am I unwanted?" She asked, spiking a cup in front of her with his flask.

"A beautiful witch like you? Never?" Blaise said, smoothly.

"Careful Blaise, you may be the next one accused of luring me to the dark side." She teased.

"Oh, darling, I can tell you can do bad all by yourself, if you wanted to." He murmured. 

"Is he drunk?" Hermione whispered, leaning slightly toward Malfoy.

"Very." He said, with a laugh.

Her head spun to look at him as his breath brushed her cheek and she almost jumped when she realized how close he was. His steely eyes were a sparkling blue that seemed to dance in the candle light and his whole demeanor was soft.

"Are you drunk?" She asked him.

"Very." He said again with a full laugh.

"He wouldn't come until he was sloshed." Theo said.

"And 'only my father gets drunk alone'." Pansy said, trying to mimic Draco's haughty tone.

"I believe I said alcoholics." Draco corrected her with a jab of his finger.

"We knew what you meant, dear." Pansy replied.

"Don't be a buzzkill, Parkinson."

"Never, darling."

Hermione breathed out a breathy laugh as she took in the table. She could blame the fire whiskey all she wanted but she had only had a couple sips and she actually felt relaxed. She never imagined she could feel comfortable around them, but it was as if she was sitting with Harry, Ron, and Ginny. The way they spoke and teased was different but underneath it all they were the same. Blaise became very flirty when he was drunk just like Ginny did and Draco became jokey and talkative just like Harry. Theo liked to debate like Hermione and Pansy teased everyone just like Ron. A cold shiver ran down her back as Draco pushed her hair behind her ear.

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