New Friend

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I Immediately scream out upon reading the message

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I Immediately scream out upon reading the message.

I read it over a couple of times while thinking...

How did he get my number?

What does he want?

I take a deep breath and go over and over the perfect response

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I take a deep breath and go over and over the perfect response.

Was I overthinking a simple text?

Yes, Yes I was.

Did I feel excited about Jaehyun texting me?

Very much so.

Was I going to show it?

Absolutely not.

After typing and then deleting a message, I decided to be boring with my response

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After typing and then deleting a message, I decided to be boring with my response. But hey, at least I answered.

I hear a knock on my door and in walks Jisoo with a scared look on her face while she observes my room.

"Why did you scream?" She asks clearly annoyed with my loud ass.

I let out a laugh

"Sorry I was just shocked by something" while I turn off my phone Jisoo sits on my bed looking at me with her eyebrows raised.

"Unnie... I'm cool right?" I ask her which in return earned me a weird look from her.

"I mean you're a little weird, why are you asking," She asks now lying down on my bed.

"I don't know, reassurance never hurt nobody" I look at Jisoo to see her now taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Unnie!!!" I yell out loud trying to grab my sandwich back that I had forgotten about.

Jisoo takes one last BIG bite of my sandwich before handing me back my sandwich with a smile. 

I take it from her and take a huge bite after giving her a stink eye for touching my food.

As I begin eating my sandwich I realize...

"Why were you so delayed?" Jisoo tilts her head confused about what I'm asking.

"I screamed but you didn't come till later" I state, "I could have already been dead" I pout.

"Yaaaa... It only took me like 2 minutes" Jisoo tries to acknowledge "Besides no one else came to save you" She says looking around my room.

I give her the biggest smile and go to hug her making sure to squeeze her tight and tell her, "And that's why you're so special to me unnie."


It's been a few weeks since Jaehyun and I started texting each other and I can now say we are friends. 

I have also gotten over the over-excitement I had for him, I mean don't get me wrong, he's definitely my crush but I'm not screaming every time he texts.

We like to catch up on each other's day and what our schedule was like. 

Lately, we have been talking about ourselves and what we wished to do, and the dreams we have for our future. Separately of course.

As for flirting? We will occasionally send 1 or 2 flirty texts or respond flirty but it's all light and not to be taken too seriously. 

So yes we are friends. 

We haven't had the chance to actually hang out because the girls and I are still in rehearsals for our comeback that will officially be released next week and he has been on promotions for NCT U 'Boss'

And it's definitely my favorite song at the moment. Not because both Mark and Jaehyun are a part of it but it's just a bop (insert the boys confused faces after Hacehan said "bop" (iykyk))

The girls don't know about me and Jaehyun texting, I haven't told them anything because like, do they need to know about all of my friends?

"Are you ready?" Lisa asks coming into my room. I groan and get up from my bed after sending one last text.

"Come on, it's our last day of filming!!" Lisa screams out making me laugh.

This was our second day of filming the Ddu-Du-Ddu-Du music video, it was also our last day of filming and in two weeks we will finally perform it live.

I grab my purse and phone and head out the door behind Lisa.

"We should do an Instagram live in the car" I suggest to which Lisa turns around with a smile and raises an eyebrow, and I already know what she's gonna ask.

"No, no spoilers," I tell her seeing the look of disappointment on her face.

"When did you get so boring" She states and walks off to the van that's parked waiting for us.

When we get into the van Jisoo, Rose, and Jennie are already sitting in the backseat with me and Lisa sitting up front.

"I'm not boring, just responsible," I say flipping my hair for dramatic purpose. 

"Now when are you going to grow up Lisa?" Jennie asks

Me and Lisa both turn to look at each other with a smile and say


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