Power Couple

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I frown at the noise while I turn my body away from the source and bring my blankets closer to my chin

"Yaa...get up" I hear his annoying voice say and feel a slight dip in my bed

"Get out!!" I scream out while I kick at him


Sighing, I try to open my eyes but all I can see is a blurry picture. "I can't see" I mumble while I try to rub my eyes but my arms feel heavy. Did I sleep wrong again? My body feels sore and heavy

"Your alarm went off like 30 minutes ago" I hear him say and feel him stand up from the bed

"10 more minutes" I whisper but Jungkook comes to stand above me

"Aren't you going to be late?"

I shake my head no, but the truth is yeah I'll be late. But I don't really care about that right now

"I don't think so" Jook says with a shake of his head and offers his hands to help me sit up.

I take them but instead of him pulling me up, I decide to pull him down catching him off guard.

"Give me 10 more minutes or GET. OUT!" I tell him with my best deathly stare while he looks up at me with wide eyes

I give him a small smile and a little tap on his nose before I turn over on my side to get more relaxation time.




After a little while, I feel him slide in the bed and I move over to make space and try to fall back asleep.

"You made me sleep on the uncomfortable couch while you got to sleep here?" He asks



"Ssshhh" I tell him while I pull my blankets up.

"Fine..sorry" He mumbles

I'm able to rest my eyes for what feels like a total of 10 seconds before my phones goes off and I scream in frustration  and ultimately sit up in bed after kicking and throwing a mini tantrum

I just want 10 more minutes!

I turn to look at a shocked Jungkook stare on me and I don't care to stop my frowning or fix my messy hair that's all in my face...

"You look so beautiful when you sleep but once you wake up, it's a different story"  He tells me and I roll my eyes.

"Who's calling?" I ask while he grabs my phone that was closer to him

"ex-friend that owes me dinner" He reads while he waves my phone up to reveal the annoying caller id. AkA...one of my besties...Jackson

"Answer it then" I mumble while I begin sliding my hands down my face.

"Yaaa!!!I knew it! You gave me so much shit for that date...but look at you now! why didn't you tell me you started dating? I think you owe me a meal now for setting you two up...what do you think Aria?" Jackson says once Jungkook answers the phone and puts him on speaker.

I look over to Jook who's curious while I shrug.

"Goodbye Jackson" I mumble and reach across Jook to press end call. Clearly I'm a morning person.

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