A R A B E L L A ' S P.O.V"How do you feel?" I glanced up her in disbelief.
"I'm fine, completely and utterly okay with the fact that my husband could be lying dead in a ditch somewhere!" The sarcasm seeping out of my tone was completely justified, even if I was directing my anger at the wrong person.
"Darling," Clarissa sighed, perching on the edge of my bed. "You need to sleep, you're pregnant."
"So?" I was sick of the pregnancy excuses. You can't eat that, you're pregnant. You can't go on a walk by yourself, you're pregnant.
So the fuck what!
"Hardin wouldn't want this, he just wants you to be safe and well rested. You need sleep darling."
"You don't know what Hardin wants!" I snapped, the words leaving my mouth before I could even register it. Hurt flashed in her eyes, and she slowly retracted her hand away from mine. I sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm just...really scared."
"I know, and it's completely justifiable. I will wait with you, okay? We will wait until Hardin comes back safely."
"And Wyatt." I added, remembering one of my oldest friends. I feared for them both, but also I feared for Rory. She was with a man who had to constantly put his life on the line.
God knows how many nights she would be spending up terrified and worried, like I was tonight.
"I'm back." Rory called, knocking on the door. She walked in with a tray filled with cookies and milk, gently setting them down onto the bed.
I immediately grabbed the warm glass of milk, letting the hot liquid soothe my anxiety. A chocolate chip cookie was next, and I slowly bit into the chocolatey goodness, letting my taste buds savour every single crumb.
"I needed this." I mumbled, reaching for another.
"Me too." Rory chuckled, drinking her milk. Her laughter slowly died out as we both realised what we were doing.
Stuffing our faces whilst our men fought for their lives.
"Ari," I lifted my head up, to meet Rory's wavering smile. "Tell me that they'll be okay."
How could I do that? How I could tell my best friend that her love would return home to her safely when I didn't even know that myself?
"They will try, they will fight to come home to us. I know that, I can promise you that." She took what she could get, nodding her head, before shuffling closer to me.
I wrapped an arm around her waist, letting her head drop onto my shoulder. Clarissa did the same to me, gently smoothing back my messy hair that stuck to my face.
They would be okay. They had to be.
A sudden booming knock woke me up, startling me out of my sleepy daze. I frantically shook Rory awake, before leaping out of the bed and running...well waddling, over to the door.
Rowan stood on the other end, Xander right besides her. He clasped a hand over my shoulder as he began to recite what he was been told but I blurred everything out, focusing in on only two words.

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RomanceArabella's and Hardin's story continues.... After almost three years of blissful marriage, and reigning as King and Queen, our star crossed lovers can't find a single fault in their perfection of a life. Then, it gets even better with a special deli...