Chapter |25| Interview

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A R A B E L L A ' S P. O. V

"You've got a meeting to discuss workers benefits and then another concerning the funding of a new charity first, and then your television appearances at six with Gavin Hart so I cleared the rest of your day to get ready for it."

I glanced over at Flo and smiled as she mindlessly caressed her pregnancy bump. A few months and soon she would be cradling her babe in her arms. I felt the same twinge of pain that I always felt whenever I saw her and then the guilt quickly followed, but I shook my head and forced my feelings down.

"Oh, great." I muttered sarcastically, knowing just how bad the interview was going to go. Hardin was perfect of course, Hardin was a model for composure and acting but me...I was suited for watching the show not being the star guest.

Especially since the main topic of conversation would be my stillbirth. It had been announced just over a week ago nd already I've received floods of presents and letters offering up people's condolences for my loss.

It's lovely to see so many people care but, every time I look through the mail, I am forced to relive the pained memories all over again.

"Come on, we don't want to be late." Flo hurriedly rushed down the corridors whilst I tried my best to keep up.

"A queen is never early, everyone else is simply late." She flashed me a smile which instantly dropped as she pushed opened the doors to my office.

Yes, I have an office. However, it's barely used since I usually take all my meetings outside if the weather permits it, but the clouds decide to hail down heavy pelts of rain today.

I took a seat at the head chair, facing the rest of the table. There were three other people in total, two men and a woman. The table was opposite my desk, where a huge portrait of Hardin and I at our wedding hung behind.

"What's the proposition from the union?"

One of the men eagerly spoke up first. "We want more money for injured workers." I nodded, gesturing for Flo to scribble it down for me.

"I would have to discuss this with the King of course before we dip into the royal treasury for more money, but write up a petition, get more than a thousand signatures and the proposal will definitely be followed through with."

The woman raised her hand, and I pointed at her, awaiting her next proposal.


I was exhausted after an hour's worth of discussing tax benefits for farmers. It wasn't that I didn't like my job, I loved the fact that my role as Queen allowed me to help those less fortunate but the meetings always dragged and I could never supply them with a solid decision since it had to be discussed with the advisors and Hardin first.

However, the Charity Trust was mine. I set it up during my first year as reigning Queen to help increase the number of support groups and charities around Dahlia. The idea was happily received by most of the public, even the advisors offered to help me pay for some of the events and fundraisers.

The Trust had increased the amount of women's charities and support groups as well, whilst also supplying them with more jobs and opportunities to become ambassadors for the charities.

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