Arabella's and Hardin's story continues....
After almost three years of blissful marriage, and reigning as King and Queen, our star crossed lovers can't find a single fault in their perfection of a life.
Then, it gets even better with a special deli...
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"What the fuck just happened?" I choked out, in utter disbelief of what had just transpired.
"Arabella." Xander's voice thundered, causing me to still. He rounded past me and then led me into some remote corner of the castle.
"I know this isn't ideal..." I opened my mouth to talk but he abruptly cut me off. "But, it would have happened either way."
"Getting married again was and is never on the cards for me."
"As Queen and mother to the future heir, you have to do this." He spoke gently, almost as though he was afraid I was bound to break.
"I don't want to marry anyone else Xander. Hardin will always be the love of my life." Setting his hand on my shoulder, I could see the sympathy and pity seeping out of his gaze.
"I know, and I'll make sure that you find a good man who understands that. This is merely a marriage of convenience."
"And what about the competition?" I coldly stated, shrugging his hand off me. Horrible flashback to the dehumanising things my competitors and I were forced to go through came to mind.
The killer maze where we almost lost our lives for the entertainment of others. The sex competitions, leaving us feeling degraded and humiliated. The disgusting way we were pit against each other, judged on our looks, our capabilities and sexual skills.
I would never put anyone through it, especially not so the prize they would claim would be...well me.
"Huxley decided that on his own accord. He thinks it's exactly what we need to get the people's attention away from the war."
"And you? What do you think?" Contemplating the thought for a moment, he sighed, running his hand through his thick hair.
"I think it could work, but don't worry I made some negotiations on your behalf."
I scoffed. "Great, it's nice someone thought about me when arranging my marriage."
Choosing to ignore me, he carried on. "Huxley wanted it to be like before with the different competitions, but I managed to get the rest of the advisors to agree that it would be too much. The fact that you're pregnant worked in your favour."
"So no sexual activities involved?" I made a vow that Hardin would be my one and only in bed, on our wedding day. I planned to uphold that vow till my last breath.
"None whatsoever. You'll go on dates with them, attended events but ultimately the decision is yours. You'll eliminate who you want and marry who you want too."
"From a line up of six guys." I muttered, already dreading the entire thing already. Sighing, I pushed my hair out of my face. "How long have I got?"
From the cringed look on his face, I knew it was bad. "They arrive today."
"What?" I screeched.
"However it's just a meeting. Ten minutes maximum with each man and then you'll eliminate two of them at the end."