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Four years later

"Emmy slow down! No Emmy stop

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"Emmy slow down! No Emmy stop." Skirting around the corner, I chucked off my heels and grabbed my skirt, dashing after my heathen of a daughter and her band of thieves.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath, my foot sliding across the freshly mopped marble floors. For once, I was glad for Emmy's obsession not to wear socks.

Reaching the top of the stairs, I dashed down them, jumping two at a time and then launched into sprint as I chased after my daughter. The guards stared at us bewildered, and then laugh with profound hysteria once they realised what was happening.

Why the hell was my daughter so smart? Even I wouldn't have thought of using books to slide free the purposely high lock on the door.

"Emmy, no." They stopped by the fountain, my possessions held tightly in their hands. Nervously, I glanced around. No-one was watching, the guards by the doors were gone now.

Thank god. No-one should witness this.

"I want cookies mama." Was my four year old seriously blackmailing me?

"Me too." Demanded a surly looking Ajax, his arms were crossed over his surprisingly large frame for a four year old.

"And we want bedtime to be gone." My eyes landed on the final member of the terror squad.

The nickname was given to them after they decided to throw a screaming fit all night until we gave them ice cream, and by screaming fit, I mean they took turns screaming, the other two resting their voice, and then switching.

"Damien...you are seven. You are not a grown adult, you do not get to dictate decisions right now."

"But daddy said that I'm going to be an advisor one day. That means I get to make the decisions." I rolled my eyes at Elliot's stupid idea to start training Damien now. Even Wyatt had started with light training for Ajax but Hardin and I both wanted our little girl to stay as little as possible.

"Yes, but who am I?"

"Auntie Ari!" He exclaimed, throwing his arms into the air. Chuckling, I took a careful step forward, eyeing the material in each of their hands.

"I'm also the Queen, Damien. That means even when you become an advisor you still have to listen to what I say, and I'm an adult which you show me respect. I'm asking you nicely to give me it back, otherwise I'll call every one of your father's..." I gave Ajax a pointed stare. "And your mother." He gulped. Yeah, Rory was one scary woman.

Damien and Ajax sighed, and began walking towards me, their hands slowly outstretching. "Wait," Oh god. "Mama, come here and get it."

My devilish daughter flashed me her cheeky smile, the kind of smile she only ever wore when she was up to something.

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