Chapter One

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a lover of rain; someone who finds joy
and peace of mind during rainy days


Breath in, breath out. They can't hurt you, they wont't hurt you, they are all in your head. Breath in, breath out and open your eyes. 

The room is dark and looks like I never left it, but everyone know that I did. Everyones knows I ran from this place lika a coward. And they are partly right, but not 100%. They can never know why I moved away for awhile and why I come back. No-one should know and that's why I have to live in a big fat lie the rest of my life. I didn't exactly have much with me when I moved away and the thing is I didn't miss much of it either. Maybe I should redecorate my room this weekend, it's not like I will have other plans and people will not exactly accept that I'm back. And this room docent really fit the person I'm today. The person I was is gone and I don't know if I miss her or not. But still I don't like the mess I did in my room before leaving. But then again, I was not myself even then. The girl before this was already gone when I left and she disappeared long before Zoe. 

At 6:00 am my alarm goes off, but I'm already awake. This will be a great day, who am I kidding, this will go like shit. Don't tell mom I said that, but that's the truth and I can't lie about that. I force my legs over the edge of my bed and shiver when I feel the cold floor. It's the end of the summer, but in our house it still feels like it's December and have been snowing outside. I hug myself as I walk over to my chair where I have the clothes laid out that I picked yesterday. Light blue ripped high waisted jeans and a white blouse. I tuck in my blouse in the jeans before putting a belt on. 

"Ham, are you coming to the  breakfast or not?" I hear my younger brother shout from the kitchen. 

"Don't call me that" I shout back as I make my way down the stairs to the kitchen. 

Since when is he up and ready before me. It seems like somethings have change her since I left, but what did I think. That everything was going to be like normal or so normal it can be after what happened. As I step into the kitchen I can already smell the coffee and the toast who are nearly burning in the toaster. My brother of course dosen't acknowledge it because he is scrolling through his phone and can't keep his eyes off it. 

"Do you have to burn down the house this early" I say as I pick up the burnt piece of bread. 

Without skipping a beat he answers me without taking his eyes off the phone.

"Well, maybe I wanted to see someone with a worst sunburn then you"

"You are just jealous that you didn't become a redhead like me"

"Sure, tomato" he answers.

But as I walk past him to the coffee maker I of course hit him in the back of his head as a sister should. Like we always have been doing. Is no point in saying anything back when we are annoying the hell out each other, so it you to slap the other one light. Not hard, but with the power so the other knows they have been annoying. 
I pour some coffee in a mug and puts milk in it. The I watch the toaster so it dosen't burn down the house or my piece of bread. When that is done I take a seat besides my brother. As a given signal my phone starts to vibrate, I look down on it and see that it is mom calling.

"What?" I ask her on the phone.

"Good morning to you too" she answers slightly annoyed.

Crap, don't piss mom of the first thing you do when talking to her in the morning. If she gets angry now she won't be in a good mood for the whole day and then she will be more angry at me when she comes home.

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