Chapter Fourteen

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the delusion of things being more beautiful then they 
really are


Family dinner, oh what a lovely family dinner. Or more likely it was supposed to be one if I wasn't sitting with them. At least I feel like that sometimes. But now I'm sitting here with my dad, his wife and their kids. I mean they are a family, she is my stepmom and the kids are my half siblings. But they still don't feel like they are supposed to be a part of my family. The strange part of this is they seem happy with each other. I haven't had a family dinner with my mom and dad for a long time. Well they haven't been divorced for more than a year and then you think the math doesn't add up if he got two kids with his new wife. Well He never cheated on mom, but they did get together and then break up many times. During those times he get tighter with his new wife. They last year when he wanted to marry his now wife, dad discovered that he and mom never divorced for real. So official not on the paper divorced for seven years, but unofficial on the papers one year.  

"Do you want more food?" Savannah ask me and look at my now empty plate.

Savannah is dads wife, my stepmom. She is really nice and really tries to always have a smile when she is near me. Actually she was the one to comfort me when I heard that Zoe died, she cared more than my real parents. That is messed up. 

"No, I'm good, but thanks it was good as always" I say and smile to her.

She put a bit of loose dark hair behind her ear, smile and then she have to save Mia's food from ending up on the floor. Well their daughter doesn't seem to like the Chili con carne today, but she is three so it doesn't surprise me. I look at their son, my half brother Levi he looks like their mom and infect both of the kids look like their mom. Non of them got blonde hair. Levi is a bit over one year old, he was born a month before everything went to shit. 

"Should I put my plate in the dishwasher" I ask and look at Savannah.

"No, just put it on the counter and I put in it later. The dishwasher finished before dinner so I had no time take it out"

"Okay" I say, put it on the counter and walk upstairs to my room.

This room is not like the one home at mom. This room is more, childish? Sure it fits a teenager, but I would paint the walls into a different color. Yeah, the walls are pink and I try to hid it as much as I can. One wall has this big ass shelf with plants, some photos in frames and some old stuffed animals on them. Another wall is a doodle wall, basically anyone can write or draw anything on it, except for a penis and that's the only rule. 

Her hands moves gently over the before empty spot on the wall near the floor. I can't see what she is drawing, no-one can and she have been sitting by it for sometime now. Hemera tucks some of her hair behind her ear and stops drawing.

"Will you show us what you have done or not?" Zoe ask and as a joke throws a fluffy pillow beside Hemera. 

Hemera looks back at us, smiles and then moves so we can see what she have done. I knew she could draw, but this is truly beautiful. On the wall there are now a vase with really detailed flowers and under it one dead flower. Under the whole drawing there is something written with curvy letters. Like Fariha read my mind she turns to Hemera.

"What does it says?" she asks.

I look at Hemera, she gives us a shy smile before turning to her painting. She takes a breath and start to speak.

"We are like flowers, we dry without water" 

"Because we call you flower?" Fariha asks.

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