Chapter Seventeen

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to dream, to make sleepy


Mad-hatter is an understandable charter in my mind right now or well he have always been understandable to me. For other people he can come out as confusing, but to me he have always made sense. The Mad-hatter jokes and seems confusing. But he does it with meaning. All he ever want is to protect his friend, even if it makes him sacrifices his own life. On the other hand I love Alice in wonderland and have on many occasions dressed up as Alice as a kid. I might have been the rabbit once too, but we don't talk about it.
This weekend I wanna act like the Mad-hatter. He seems like he is drunk or high on something all the time and I wanna be that right now. I want to forget what was sent to me and the feeling of being watched. So I gonna have a few, bottles, of something strong and I don't care of what. 

But first of all I need to find a party to go to, it won't be that hard because I know basically everyone that holds different kinds of parties. I scroll through instagram and when nothing catch my eye I move on to the storys. Food, coffee and sunrise. Why is everyone so boring? Wait! Lights and those iconic red cups. Lil Steve is having a party and I'm totally going. Well first I'm gonna ask him if anyone can come and we are not gonna talk about the name. I send him a dm and nearly got an answer the same moment. "You're always welcome" is his answer, so that was easy. Time to get drunk. 

One drink. Two drink. Three drink until I actually stumble upon Lil Steve and to explain further he is a short white guy. Honestly that is the only thing I'm going to say about that. I make my way to the dance floor as more people flood in through the doors and the music gets louder and louder. Warm bodies pressing against each other and jumps up and down in rhythm. Some people are making out, some are talking and some are arguing. Me? I'm alone right now and I absolutely love it. But when even more people comes up to dance it's gets to hot and I need some fresh air. Maybe something to drink to cool my insides as well. Like that I walk outside and it's like walking through a wall. So first I shiver in the late summer, early autumn air as it hit me, but that is what I need right now. My clear mind gets distracted as a younger girl stumble outside  and walks to the nearest bush.

I  stumble outside and to the nearest bush. There goes my dinner or was it the lunch. It's hard to tell when everything is mashed up and now in a bush in the darkness. Well, I should probably drink some water or something that isn't strong. A pair of black shoes comes up infront of my eye sight and I actually know who it is. Oh, I should probably stand up now.

"Here" Hemera says and hands me a bottle of water.

Can she read my mind or something? Who am I kidding, it's fricking Hemera she is hella smart and fantastic on everything she does. Of course she have water to me, she knows me.

"Cute of you flower" I say, takes the bottle and pors the water down my throat. 

My sight isn't that clear, but I think she is rolling her eyes at that comment. Wait! I flirted with her. Shit, just drink the water idiot. You should not drink this much and get drunk. We are just friends. We are just friends. We are just friends. 

"I think that's enough booze for you tonight or rather week I might say. Come here, we need to find the others" Hemera says and look back to the house.

"Don't bother they left like an hour ago"

"Of course they did, they always do this"

Wait, my brain need to understand all of this. Hemera didn't know that Fariha and Zoe left the party. I haven't seen Hemera anywhere for the past hour, so if she wasn't with them, where was she? And I now that she wasn't making new friends, we are talking about Hemrea her. So where was she?

When a breeze brings the smell of puke I wake from my dreaming of old times. I move to a more secure place and see how the girls friends help her. Good for her to have all of her friends with her, I didn't have all of them. It was mostly Hemera that was like my babysitter when she come to the parties or else no-one cared. Fariha would often leave around 12 or earlier, she don't like parties and Zoe I don't know where she would disappear to.  But there she was, Hemera like my fairly godmother always showing up when I needed me. Or if the truth be told, I think she always looked for one of us when the late hours came around and I was always there needing her. Well I need to get my head clear again. Time to get inside for a few shoots.

As I said I took a few shoots, then another drink in my hand as I made my way through the house dancing. After awhile I find myself sitting on a cough with a lot of people who are also sitting on the floor or other thing you can sit on. I think I agreed to play truth or dare with those people, I'm not entirely sure. But I think I agreed. But is also more truth or truth because no-one is up for a dare. As the next person looks for the next victim I find myself looking into there eyes. His eyes are dark blue nearly shifting to black. This was an bad idé. because he turs to me. 

"Man ideal?"

"Not a an asshole is a good start" I say and I can hear the laugh from a lot of girls in the room.

Those game I usually takes as a joke when I'm playing and when I am not sober they are even more fun. Well I think they are, I usually blackout after them so they are really up for discussion. But you know we need a little spice in our boring life here.

"Okay, women ideal then?"

"Hemera" I say without thinking at all and the weird thing is that I actually don't regret it.

Even if I didn't regret it everyone else seems to have an opinion on it. Okay, it was too much spice for them to handle at the moment. Guess they aren't as drunk as me, too bad for them. Well it would have been too much for me to think about if I was sober. But good for me I don't think about my actions in this state. 

"Ey, you guys are real buzzkillers right now" a black girl with a lot of braids one her head says. 

"Like the whole mystery about her and the secrets it's so sexy. And gives her confidence as fuck" the girl continues.

"Totally" I say in agreement and we smile at each other. 

Now the other people in the rooms seems to think about what we said and comes to different conclusions. Meanwhile I look at the girl who agreed with me and she is pretty on another level. For starters she has good smooth clear skin, I don't think she ever have had a pimple in her life. The ends of the all braids are white and really match when she is wearing a white blouse. We are not gonna talk about how her eyes are literally nearly golden. And in that moment she looks back at me and winks. I never knew I could turn my head that quick and I can feel my cheeks turning red. Okay, now I need another drink or two. At the drink table I swallow the liquid fast and now I really start to feel it in my head. Wow. Maybe it's time to slow down. I hear Hemera saying in my head. No, I want to dance, so I push her voice deep and make my way to the dance floor. There I am for the rest of the night and every time I need to drink her voice is there. But I take the drink and continue to dance. Until sometime befor the sun is about to rise, about then I am passed of on one of the couches. With a lot of alcohol in my body there is a good chance I won't be haunted by anyone in my dreams or there will. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2022 ⏰

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