Chapter Twelve

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The strong urge to avoid someone
or something


Mondays, I hate them more than morning practices at Saturdays or Sundays. Or they are competing on the first place but, I really don't like Mondays. First up it's the first day of the week, second I have a lot of classes, third a new school week means seeing Hemera after what happened after last Friday. Now it's just more annoying that Pila might have got a crush on her too, but I never said she got good taste, but she don't. Moving on, I will never like Mondays and that is just a fact. Maybe when I'm old and don't have to go to work anymore. Anyways we got physics today and it's alright. I go by Pilas looker, because we have the class together and I don't really have a lot of other friends. She stands with her pink head and are humming to a song she probably is obsessed with. I tap her on the shoulder lightly, she jumps and looks at me shocked.

"Hey! Don't scare people like that" Pila says and take her headphones out.

"If you haven't listened to Italian rock on full blast you wouldn't have got scared"

"Rock'n roll never dies" 

I can't explain how much I rolled my eyes to that, it was an actually quote from the band she loves right now. We head off to the lesson and I nearly frees in the doorway into the classroom when I see her red hair. Why does she have to have lessons together with me? I shake it of me and sits down next to Pila a few tables behind them. 

"When did they become friends?" I ask so no-one hears and turn to Pila.

"Who?" she asks me.

I nod my head towards where Minh and Hemera are sitting besides each other a few lines in front of us. She shrugs her shoulders and then turns back to me.

"Billy said that Minh was friends with her brother, Griffin I think it was and they were hanging this weekend. So she might have accompany them and I guess they are friends now" Pila answers I clearly doesn't see a problem with that.

Me on the other hand are starting to feel a bit, I don't know how to describe it, but I feels like a lump in my stomach and a growing fear of the atmosphere in here. It feels like Hemera are the center to all of the hatred that are coming to me in waves. 
Our teacher come into the classroom and everyone becomes silence. I love our teacher in physics, because of that. She is a middle-aged woman, Afroamerican and the smartes woman in history. If you would ask me. She got the ability to get everyone to listen with just being in the room and that is special. 

"Good morning everyone" miss David says.

"You can start by reading page 105 to 119" she continue. 

Everyone stays quiet, but starts picking up their books and start reading. Everyone except Hemera who doesn't seem to have her book with her. Minh looks up and sees her start to be nervous. He slids his book in between them and she give him a smile. Another wave of jealousy comes over me and I quickly looks down at the pages we need to read. Thats what I do until Miss David clear her throat. 

"We are going to sit in groups for the lessons so you can discus your answers with each other if you aren't really sure how to do something. So pair up four and four" 

Everyone start to pair up and talk to each other. I turn side to side, but no-one wants to work with me and Pila. Same with Hemera and Minh. Both of them seems uncomfortable  with this situation, but the same time Hemera looks like she knew it was about to happened. In their eyes she is someone who should sit in jail. 

"Fariha and Pila you can work with Minh and... Hemera was it" 

Hemera nods. Im about to open my mouth to complain about it, but something about the way miss David is standing make me shout my mouth shut. 

"You group can sit in the library, just come back before the lesson is finished" 

No-one cares that we leave the room or some people look up but mostly at Hemera. Well they can breath now, she won't be in the same room as ju right now. She is going to be with me, a girl who can't stand her, another girl with a crush at her and Minh. We go in silence to the library and sit down at on of the many available tables. At least I don't have to sit besides her, but it's a round table so I guess I just was lucky. Everyone starts to work, Pila puts her headphones in, Hemera and Minh looks in his bok. But what about me, well I have never had this hard to study before. So I try my best, trying to ignore Hemera and Minh. 

"Is the music good?" Hemera says and breaks the silence. 

Pila looks at Hemera confused, Minh doesn't care a lot and I think he excepted her to say something like that. But he gives me a look before looking at Hemera. Pila who still haven't answer for some reason looks like she is about to faint. Hemera points at her ear and the nods at Pila.

"I can hear the music blasting from one of your headphones" Hemera continue.

"Ohh, yeah it's.. I don't know how to pronounce it" Pila and shows Hemera her phone screen.

When Hemera sees the name on the screen her face lights up with a smile. It's weird, I haven't seen her smile that genie for long and I don't think she have realized it yet. She smiles in my near me and something deep inside of me also wants to smile. 

"I love them" she says and that makes Minh look up from the work he had moved onto.

"You listen to Måneskin?" Pila asks more like a statement. 

Oh my gosh. Please Pila don't get a reason to like Hemera more than you did this Friday. But I know you and of course she is your type. Sadly I don't think Pila is Hemera's type.

"Yeah and proud of it" Hemera nearly laugh. 

Both Pila and Minh joins in the laugh because all of it is just sounded so weird. I mean Pila and Hemera bounding over an Italian rock band and Minh who clearly didn't expect that. Well it's weird having three people you know, who have nothing in common except for me are talking. 

"Watch out, your European side are showing" I say quietly. 

The three of them looks at me. Did I say that out loud? Yep, you did Fariha, you clearly did. Minh looks the most shocked about what just said and Hemera don't know how to react of what I said about her. But it is true and I'm shocked that they haven't asked about it yet.

"Wait! You are British?" Minh asks.

"No, I just have a funny accent. Yes, dad is British and occasionally some more British words slips out" 

Well I' m aware that she is good at hiding her British accent nowadays, a long time ago everyone would have heard she isn't really from her. They did bully her for it and well that's the reason she worked the accent away. I guess some people got things to hide, some people more than others. I look at my phone and sees the time. Instead of telling them that it's time to go I show them my home screen and everyone nods without stop talking about something.  Didn't listen so wouldn't know.  We take our things and start heading back to the classroom. But this time I'm watching them from behind. Watching how they interact with each other and how they have forgotten about that i'm walking just a few meters behind them. They are having a good time, but what about me? I can't feel anything except for anger and jealousy. What is wrong with me? They get friends with Hemera and I can't get myself to talk to her since I meet her the first time in school since it happened. Why can't I just don't despite her like an ex best friend should. But instead i'm jealous, of what exactly. I really would not look like an e-girl and that is not an compliment. 

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