Chapter Three

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Someone who hides pain behind a smile


When sitting down that evening for dinner with our family I have that odd feeling when they told us something bad, our parents. I don't remember much of it, but I get an odd feeling of just sitting and eating. Our little sister hums for herself and I can't really say what it is for song. Probably something she heard on the radio. Faith is the name our parents named her and honestly I don't understand why. Maybe because she is the only one the have faith in, see what I did there. Funny? No, okay. But I mean I would not give a name like that to my kids. If you believe in anything, sure. But my parents don't believe in god or anything like that. We respect people that dose, everyone have the right to believe in anything they want, but I don't see why we should.

"How was school" mom ask us.

So she is going to play that game. Not saying anything about the car or even mention it to be beforehand. Okay, I will play along.

"Fine" both me and Griffin answers. 

And we both know that's not the answers she wants. I open my mouth to say something but then Griffin kick my leg under the table. I look at him and he just shake his head. Fine, I'm not gonna aske her about it now, but later. 

"Any new teachers?" dad ask.

He is gonna play this game too, fun. And I thought dad was smarter than this, bit clearly not. He is just asking about the teachers so we don't have to talk about that I don't have any friends in the school anymore. But sure, we can play this game.

"I don't know if the are new or not. I haven't been there for a year" I say with a fake smile. 

"So, who are going to drive me to practices next week?" Griffin says.

Change of subject, fine for me. I don't want to talk about anything I don't have anything to say about. But hey, here I will be closer to the truth than before. Even if everyone near my hates my existens. If everyone what's to ignore me and look at me like I'm a disease that fine. I'm going to be the one with the answers and when they are going to run to me for them it will be a pleasure to never look at them. 

Dad is putting Faith to bed and Griffin is looking at something at his phone. That means I need to help mom to put away the food and dishes.

"Just say it" moms amines to me.

"What do you mean?" I say and pretend I don't know.

"Honey, don't play dumb" she says.

"Im not the one playing dumb. You are the one who just forgot to tell her daughter about the car"

Mom sights loudly and she is decently annoyed that I bring that up. But what did she think. That I wouldn't bring it up, cause that a big thing to not to mention to the person in question. But we have been good at keeping thins from each other those last years.

"I didn't feel like I had to. If you want to drive, you have to do it at my rules. It's that simple and you should not question it"

"I'm not question the car. I'm question your judgement" I say and start to go upstairs.

When I reach my room I want nothing more than just slam the door, but I don't feel like having an argument with my dad today. The I look at the walls with all the posters and pictures from a time that feels like an eternity ago. So I start tearing the posters down.

"You still got the posters of Shawn Mendes on your walls" Zoe says while laying on the bed.

"Hey, he is still my boo. Even if he got Camilla" I say and trow a pillow at her.

We are laughing as she tires to trow it back to me, but misses and hits Fariha instead. She looks up at us and just sights. She hand my a bunch of pictures and I look at the first one. The four of us at the pier the start of the summer. Everyone got a tan except for me, I just burnt up in the sun. But hey, maybe in the future I won't be that burnt.

"Thats your pictures and here are yours" Fariha says and give another pile of photos to Zoe.

"Thank your cousin from us" Zoe says and start looking through the photos.

Hedone barns through the door and looks at us with a smile. In one of her hands she is holding a plate with cookies and buns. In the other she is holding a bag with unknown things in.

"Well your mom have baked some cookies and wanted us to have some, flower" she says and then trows the bag at me.

The nickname flower is a long story and it probably stuck for the rest of my life. I look into the bag and she the clothes Hedone no longer wants to have. Her parents are rich if I say it nicely and she probably have more clothes than me, Zoe and Fariha combine. Sometimes she looks through her stuff and gives the thing she don't want and gives it to one of us. Mostly she gives it to me, cause clearly I'm the one without any sense of style.

"The monthly bribe" Fariha says, gives the last pile to Hedone and then nod to the bag.

"Yes, this time it was mom who said sorry for forgetting buying red apples instead of green ones. Like, it's not a big thing. I just wanted some other apples, that all. But our flower always need a makeover" she says and gives me a smile.

When I takes the photos down I look at the memories we made, that clearly didn't mean a thing and I miss them. I put every photo I have up in the drawer besides my bed and then trows the posters in the bin. There is clothes and trash everywhere. God, why did I leave it like this. Three days, I have been back for three days and it looks like I never left. We surely made a mess before I left. But they did searched nearly every bit of this room, so I can blame my parents. This weekend I need to go through my wardrobe and look for clothes that would be me. Not every pieces of it suck and the clothes I wear now isen't really me. I didn't pack my bag when we moved so every clothing from Hedone never got put in the bag. And I kinda missed not having anything from her. She was not controlling like Zoe or serious like Fariha, she was the rich part queen. Not my words, the school words and probably herself too. But she was my friend.
When I go to bed that night it feels I little bit better and maybe, just maybe it can be better. I mean I need to clean out my room and start from zero so it feels like my room again. I really doesn't have friends, but I have Griffin and he's friends. So for now it's good, I have known most of them since they where babies and I have probably seen most of them in dippers. But I have sworn to never tell anyone about that, so please forget that I said anything. 

Sunrays are shining trough the window when I wake up and the first thing I do. Not getting up, but stretching my arm to my phone and see if anything new have happened. Instagram request from Conan. Instagram request from Conan? When I see that I sit up tall in my bed. When we moved I made the account privet for privet resons and I didn't want people from this school to know too much about me. Accept the request. Should I follow him. Request sent. Shit, crap and more. 10 seconds and I'm panicking. Request accepted. I can finally breath and sink Ito my pillow again. Okay, maybe I can survive today with everything going on. Well time to get ready to go to school again. 

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