Chapter Sixteen

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Loud, insistent


Sometimes hazy memories comes over me without my consent. Sometimes I don't remember what is real and what memories is lies I have made up. Sometimes the memories combined with new memories and twist them into something I don't recognize. The hazy memories are a side effect of the actions I did more than a year ago. But I never lost my sense of reality and that im really glad of right now. Over the course of everything going from good to absolutely shit I wrote every detail in several journals very day. So if I forgot anything I could easily lock back in a book and read what happened that day. Of course I hid the books well so no-one could find them even if they turned everything upside down. The only time I didn't write anything was during one week when my parents or other adults where constantly hovering over me as a drone, afraid I might go down in flames. Maybe I wanted to, but couldn't. 
More than a year ago I didn't go down in flames, it was a slow burn and the fire are just starting on the fuel that was left. Especially when the week is near its end and everyone are waiting restless on the weekend except for me. Just by thinking of what day it is makes me shiver and I put on my light purple sweatshirt. I look down at my legs, I should have choose jeans instead of a skirt today. But I wanted to feel good and it is just august. I wanted to feel good in my own skin, when someone just a few days ago invaded my privacy. So I guess I wanted to prove something. Conan have been more quiet than usual and that is understandable. When he puts his stuff inside his locker he finally ask me the question I have waiting him to ask. 

"How can you be this calm?" Conan asks when trying to keep his calm, but failing.

"I'm not, but stop think about it for a moment" I say and look at all those people who walk past us whiteout a care in the world. 

Sometimes I wonder how my life ended up like this. How it ended so messed up. Because I don't really remember when the last time everything was just simple. Maybe my life was normal when I first started this school. 

"What do you know?" 

I raise an eyebrow at him and he sighs.

"About the photo? Since you become worried in another way" he says.

"Can you keep your voice down a bit?" I say and turn my face to him.

There is a chance this was a part of what got me down last time and I can't let that happened again. The text will come when you least can guess it. I know a great deal about it, but the person who did this last time stopped after Zoe died and this is from a new number. You can't track it to a legit cellphone, a IT friend who dosen't ask question told me that. Well at least they tried.

"Yes, it have happened before. I can't tell you about what exactly, because I like having you as a friend and I don't want to ruin it just yet" I start to say and Conan open his mouth to say something but I stop him.

"I'm worried because this is the second time it have happened and this time this person toke the photo through my fricking window. On the second floor. On me and YOU. So yeah I might look calm on the outside, but I'm panicking on the inside. This is nothing we can discuss in public" I continue and I look away from Conan. 

Conan closes his looker and then leans against his own looker besides me. One of his hands brushes agains my hand and I don't mind. That makes me calm down a little and I breath in. I look back to Conan and he looks at me with a smile playing at his lips.

"We figure this out Teacup, together. We are detectives after all, this just got more interesting and I think we should start today. After school?" Conan says.

"After school" I repet and I guess that all it takes. 

Honestly I think we could have just smiled at each other for awhile, if we haven't heard their voices on miles away. We make a little more space between us as Isaac, Griffin, Minh and Julian comes up to us. 

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