Chapter Ten

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an overwhelming urge to run away


Griffin drove us home and I have no ide where Conan went after he said goodbye. Honestly I just wanted to go as far away from that place as possible and I think everyone got happy as I left it. During the night I didn't get any sleep at all or I might have. But most of the time I just looked up at the white ceiling, thinking about what I said to that girl. I don't know her name but I know her cousin is Billy and he is a real piece of shit. I went off at her and it wasn't okay, I shouldn't have done that. Is not her fault no-one likes me. A loud honk outside the honk gets my attention and brings me back to reality. My eyes shout close a few times, is it really light outside. When did time pass this fast. I hear the front door slams shout and for Griffins best I hope he isn't going anywhere without me. Fast I go to my window and opens it. Outside there is a gray jeep I think I have seen outside of school. 

"Hey, where are you going" I shout out the window at my brother and he turns to me before open the door to the jeep. 

"Hanging out with some people" he shouts back.

Conan stretch out his head from the passengers seat besides the driver and look at me. Of course Griffin is hanging out with Conan. But who are the rest of them? It's non of the usual people he hangs out with. Or more like no Isaac, but he is probably home and sleeping of the intoxication. 

"You can probably come with us if you want?" Conan more ask the others. 

Non of the other boys seems to care and I think I heard Griffin said sure. Soon my brother will get tried of me hanging with his friends, but I think he understands why I do it. He probably hears the whispers as much as I do and I wonder what he thinks about that. Does they say anything about him?

"Only if all of you don't mind" I shout.

"Of course Teacup"

"Why" I say and just shaking my head. 

The boys inside the car are laughing a bit at the nickname I now have gotten me. 

"Give me a sec and I will be down" I shout and then close my window. 

Clothes I need proper clothes, not my pyjamas and I haven't brushed my hair yet. Okay, the jeans from yesterday, a beige tank top and a white shirt over it. I run downstairs, pff I have socks on and I take on my shoes. Phone, keys and a fucking scrunchie. Well it will do, I open the door, steps out and then look the door behind me. I run to the car and sits besides my brother in the backseat. 

"Sup Cherry" a boy with black hair says and look back in the rearview mirror. 

Something about him that's make me wonder. I think I have talked to him or about him before with someone. Let me think, a year ago who would have talked about him. He plays soccer right and he is asian. Wait! He and Fariha have lika a thing where they say those last name. 

"Wait, the Lee thing right?"

"Yeah" the boy says and make a look.


The boy nods his head and the rest of the boys just gives us a look. Minh shrugs his shoulders in a way to get them to forget it. Maybe they will, but I'm pretty sure either Griffin or Conan will as me about I later. But there is another guy in here as well, another ginger if you wanted to know what hair color was. He caught me starring so I look away and opens my mouth.

"Where were you guys going?"

"The beach" Minh answers. 

"The beach?"

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