Chapter Eight

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the overwhelming desire to kiss


As everyone else I cheer when the game of truth or dare starts. It's one of my favorite games on a party and don't take me for som soppy basic girl right now. I like it because I get to know peoples secrets. Or Zoe made me like truth or dare. Cause in reality it's a pretty stupid game and I don't really understand how anyone can enjoy it. But Zoe made me change that view by telling me how she enjoyed it so much. If you're really wants to make the most out of a game like that, you must look at how does different people play. So there are two categories and then three subcategories in each two main categories. First we have those people who choose truth or dare. Then in dare those people who choose it are people that are hiding something or not afraid or just drunk. Then in truth people choose it when they are not hiding anything or basically bored or wants to gain attention. 
So it did chock me when I heard our flower choose truth, because she seems like someone who have a lot to hide, especially since she don't really talk to us anymore. She don't want attention I can see it on her face and I don't think she is bored. I mean she is bored enough to be here, but I think she has more anxiety over it then boredom. So she really doesn't fit under any of the categories. 

"Did you kill Zoe" the boy ask Hemera.

She goes from confident to wanting to run away. But she dosen't, she just stares at the boy and dosen't speak. On the other side of the group I see Fariha looking as calm as always, but deep down I know that this brought up things. Things non of us have talked about out loud. Im still choked when she opens her mouth and I have to shake my head to hear what she have to say. 

"Fuck off asshole" she says put up her middle finger and storms of. 

Blondie besides her follows her and I see that her brother vanish from the crowd. Well this was a game changer, indeed. I didn't know our flower could swear that much in one sentence and that is another reminder that I missed a year of her life. That she become someone else after what happened a year ago. A girl, I think her name is Pila hits the boys head with her hand. The boy looks at the girl like they are old friends and rolls his eyes.

"What?" he says to her.

"Idiot much" Pila says to the boy.

"Everyone wants to know. I just asked a question no-one have asked"

"Sometimes I wish you weren't my cousin"

Pila then succeed to drag Fariha out of the room and when I see her doing that I feel lonely. Even if Alice is standing besides me, but she isn't Fariha or Hemera. I try to fight the urge of going after the two girls. And the only reason that I don't follow them is because Alice puts her arm around my neck. Even if her breath smells like alcohol, her perfume smells even more of vanilla and I think orange. Well something of a fruit anyway. She s wearing a yellow bandeau dress with her hair that is falling over her shoulders like a black waterfall. Alice stars to me the second everyone else goes from whispering to actually talking.

"And they say I'm dumb. Well anyway I think we deserve a drink or more" she says with her face going from serious to happy.

"We always deserve something to drink" I answer her. 

And so the nights move on. The two of us taking a drink after drink after drink. Honestly I don't know how many drinks I have had right now and I'm starting to feel a little funny. I can drink a lot without having to puke or being black out drunk. I just gets drunk, have to pee like every hour and just being so happy. Every little thing that have been bothering me is just gone, nothing can make me feel bad or sober when I'm at a party. After awhile I start to get bored of just standing and talking to people, I want to have fun, we are at a party for havens shake. I take Alice arm and drag her onto the dance floor. She laughs at me when I start to do the most ridiculous dance and I mean I not really that good at dancing but I enjoy it so much. Outside is dark and the only light in here is from all those colored party lights in the room. The red light flicker and I think I see a familiar face.

Fixed light brown curls are bunching up and down as she jumps to the beat with her hands in the air. Dark blue, nearly black mini dress, that doesn't  cover much of her body at all. But that was her ide, she wants peoples attention and she got it. She know she made the right choice when she catches me starring at her dancing infront of me. 

"Do you like my outfit?" Zoe asks and smile.

"Is it a new dress?" I say trying to override the music playing from the speakers. 

"Yeah, bought it last weekend when I was in the city. And it was on sale, can you believe it? I really got something for my money" 

Zoe takes my hands and start to twirl us around on the dance floor. No I don't understand how you always find clothes on sale that fit you perfectly. Like the pink lipstick the other day, I could not stop stare at her lips. 

The lights flicker to green, then blue and so on. I shake my head and try to look at where I thought I saw her, but it was just some freshman dancing with her friends. It's like my mind can't accept that Zoe is dead and won't come back. I saw her in the coffin, she is really dead and the probability that she will come back is very unlikely. My feet twist together as I try to make a dance move I saw on my social media the other day and I stumble forward. My fall is cut short as I take hold of someone's shirt. When I stand up straight I see who the person is and his flawless dark skin is making me a bit jealous. How does is come that he doesn't have a single pimple or scar in his face and he has a natural glow too. That makes me very aware of the pimple I poped before I came her on my cheek and covered with makeup. I take on a big smile to cover up my clumsiness and hope he doesn't see the pimple under all the makeup. What if he sees it anyway?  But he looks me up and down, is that a good or bad thing? I'm confused right know. 

"Are you okay?" he asks me.

"Yeah, sorry for grabbing your shirt"

"No worries. A pretty girl like you should not fall to the floor"

Without noticing it or it might have been a bit fuzzy, but in mater of seconds from stoping to talk we are making out and I don't care. It might be because he started to flirt with me and I like people that flirt with me. Thats make me feel like I'm something other then just that girl or her friend or the one from school. His lips are soft and welcoming. He is a solid eight out of ten when it comes to kissing. I mean he is good-looking to I think or over average. When I have had a lot to drink people are getting prettier or uglier depends on how they looked before. So, he might have been over average looking then. I pull away and laugh. He does the same, yeah he is defiantly more drunk than me. 

"Sorry" I say with a smile.

"I don't mind" he answers.

Well what do I have to lose, so I pulls him back to me and lock our lips tighter once more. I want him close and he does not back away. A feeling inside of me is craving something like this, but not exactly this and right know he is the one that can give something similar. The pink lipstick fades into my subconscious. 

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