Chapter Eleven

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lasting a very short time


Graveyards have never been a place I like to go to, mostly because everyone in here are either dead or sad over the dead. I don't like to be sad all the time, I like to smile and laugh. Honestly I haven't done that the same amount since my friend was taken from me and that hurts a lot. After a while I have learned the way to her place in here and I try not to look at the other graves when I walk on the paths. The sun is shining and I feel a little bit better as I know what Zoe would have said about the sun. She would have said that you still can work on your tan, even if it is the end of august. It's something she would have said to me and Hemera. Mostly because Zoe have Spanish roots and she gets a tan easy. I'm nearly smiling as I arrives to her place in the ground. It's like a ghost standing infront of me as I see the white flowers 

Her red hair is flying a bit in the air because of the wind and she is sitting down by the new stone placed on the grass. She lays a bouquet of  small white flowers from the forest near her home on the grave and then stands up. A breeze comes and she wraps her arms around herself, even thought she wears a cardigan over her tank top. That is when my blood starts to boil, she can't be sad, she wasn't hanging with us the past weeks and now she is standing her putting flower at Zoes grave. Before my mind is in the game, I have ran up to her and before she notice me I push her to the ground. Hemera looks at me with red-rimmed eyes and her cardigan slips of her shoulders revels dark bruises on her arms. But she dosen't say anything, instead she pulls up her cardigan and tries to stand up again but I push her down again. Right now I don't care. 

"HOW DARE YOU COME HERE" I shout at her as Fariha comes running pulling me away from Hemera. 

"She isn't worth it" Fariha says calming and give Hemera a dirty look.

Hemera stands up and takes a few steps back from us. She looks down at the grave and then back at us before saying anything.

"I didn't fucking kill her, but of course non of you believes me" 

She lefts us without saying anything more. I don't say anything more until I can't see her red hair  near and then just stares at those flowers. 

I shake my head and tries not to think about it. Never have I ever before pushed someone to the ground on purpose and I haven't done it since then. I just needed someone to blame for everything and Hemera was the one deserving it right there and then. Sadly it was the last time I saw her for more than a year and I didn't have a chances to say sorry for what I did. Slowly I put down a simple yellow flower at Zoe's grave before heading home again. I can't be there long, because if I am I might start to cry and I don't like to cry. 

The door opens and closes with a small click. Wall paintings are getting me in the otherwise so unipersonal house and corridors in this house. The paintings is the most colorful thing in here except for my room and it's the way it always have been. I make my way to the kitchen and over to the fridge. Mom is talking in her phone, probably about something job related. I roll my eyes and take out the orange juice. Form one of the glass shelves I pick down a glass and pour my juice in it. After it I study my mom. I look a bit like her or I'm the younger version of her. She has blonde hair that stops at her shoulders and she got dark blue eyes. She is the steotrotytical European person without having anything to do with it. She is just blonde and have blue eyes, that's all. My mom is a bit taller then me, but she is always wearing heels too and she got the body type like a model. Sometimes its annoying to have a mom looking stunning at least when male teachers are flirting with her and other times its good because she gets me out of trouble if I do anything. 

"Hey, honey" mom says to me and covering speaker at the phone.

"Yeah" I say being waken from my thoughts.

"Can you stay at your dad this week?"

"It's your week" I answer. 

Mom looks at me with her eyes in the way she wants me to understand something and she got all the "you need to understand that this is important" expression. I sigh loud and starts walk away from the kitchen to my room.

"I will call dad and ask" I say.

"Love you honey"

"Love you too" 

Honestly I stopped to care who I'm living with, but it's annoying cause it seems like either of them wants anything to do with me. Dad has a new wife and small kids. My mom goes on dates like every weekend, but she never find anyone good and she can't see that the guy from the firm a floor down likes her. She is just blind, he's a good guy and sometimes it feels like I see him more in this house then my own mom. They are good friends by the way. Anyways it's fine living with dad and I actually like my room at him more then here. Causes mom bought this house like six months ago and there are still some moving boxes in every room. Or more in every room no guest go into. Walk up the stairs and take left. Then walk all the way down the corridor  and there are the door to my room on the left. Well you can say that my parents wants to buy me, because they want me to be happy and this room is proof of that. 

"And why again are we here in a Home Depot store?" Zoe asks.

Sometimes she isn't the smartest when it comes to things like this. I have told her like a million times why I want all three of them coming with me, but it always seems like she don't care or have listened. Hemera looks at the all the colors on the small pieces and then hands me one.

"Zoe if you ever cared to look away from your phone you would have know that she is painting her new room" Hemera says but aren't brave enough to look at her.

I'm glad that she said anything and I'm not in the mood to explain for the hundred time. 

"Why yellow?" Fariha asks and look down at the color Hemera handed me. 

"It's a happy color" both me and Hemera answers. 

That is the reason one of the walls become yellow. Not a dark yellow, but a very light one nearly white and that makes the room warmer. Even if me and mom moved in here six months ago and everything happened more than a year ago, I still got the color Hemera gave me. Well she actually helped me with most of this even if she wasn't here, because we were suposed to move in earlier. But everything got postponed because of Zoe's death, even though the house and rooms were done. I jump onto my bed, roll onto my stomach and rake out my phone from my jeans. 

"Hey, Hedone did you forget anything here?" dad ask on the other side of the phone.

"No, I'm just calling to say I will be staying with you and Carla for another week"

"Another business trip" dad says and I can hear the irritation in his voice.

Not because of that I'm calling him to give him a heads up before going to their home. But because mom does this a lot and sometimes non of them are home and I have to call grandma and saying I have to stay with here for some days. It have happened at least five times, she is always angry at both dad and mom afterwards. Mostly because they are abandoning me, but I don't mid spending time with her. See is always around. 


"Well I guess I see you at Monday" he says before hanging up.

"Bye, I guess" I say into the air. 

People wonder why I party a lot, well if they have parents like this they should know. Mom and dad are never in the same page. I just want to be happy, so that's what I am. Nobody know that my parents are pushing me around the like a football. Only a few people knows that my parents are divorced and I want to keep it that way. I drag myself onto a sitting position on the bed, so I can stare at my yellow wall. That is my happy color, I like yellow. 

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