Chapter Two

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To leave without saying goodbye 


Everything is going smooth so far and that means that a catastrophe only is closer now. I mean something need to happen or else there is something wrong. I left this place a year ago and back then everything was a big mess. A thing that big can't just disappear into thin air or can it. Nope, it can't and I'm afraid ti will turn up when I least except it. I made it to lunch without problems or what normal people would consider problems. No-one have talk to me except the teachers who recognized me and said welcome back. But they don't count and now I'm standing in the middle of the cafeteria looking like a loner as I stand by myself. Their are people everywhere and it seems they have moved on with their life. The people in here dosen't know me and I don't know them. Half of those people didn't even go here when I left. I was only a sophomore when it happened, so the juniors and seniors have left. And I didn't say goodbye to any of them, even if I was friends with some. Hope they are doing good wherever they are and I hope life treat them better than me. But where can I sit? I can't stand here like an idiot with my food until next lesson. In the crowd of new people I spot my younger brother sitting with his friends on a table future away. We look at each other and then he nods. Good, I can sit with him. even if that means sitting with people who are younger than me. Right now I don't care, as long I don't have to sit by myself. Besides my brother I find a spot at the end of the table and it dosen't take a long time until some of his friends recognize me. 

"Hey, Ham longtime no see" the black boy sitting infront of my brother says.

"Hey Isaac. But why do you guys even call me that?" I say and smile at him.

"Well, I can't call you my girlfriend so" 

Griffin trows a baby carrot at his friend, but Isaac catch it and takes a bit out of it. Same old Isaac he is practically my brother cause he is my brothers best friend. They have grow up together and I don't know how many times he have been over at our house. But as Isaac grow older he have been flirting with me every time he gets. Isaac is younger so I think I pass. 

"Thats my sister" Griffin says trying to sound annoyed but he can't hid his smile.

"You two are siblings?" a familiar voice says. 

I look away from Griffin and Isaac. On the other side of the table infront of me stands the blonde boy from my English class. The one person who was curios enough to talk to me. It seems like he knows my brother, great. That means he's either a prick or an idiot, I wonder what.

"This is my sister" Griffin says and introduces me to him.

"Yeah, didn't catch your name earlier" the blond boy say and sits down inferno of me.

No cause I didn't trow it to you. I don't say it like that. Of course I didn't tell him, he didn't ask and I don't just tell strangers my name. Who knows, they might be a murder or something. 

"Hemera. And you?" I say and look at the boy. 

"Conan, nice to meet you"

I watch as he continues eat whatever the school have given us and listen to the boys as they start talking about all random things they can come up with. I mean, seriously they are talking about cereal and roads right now. Those two things have nothing in common, one thing you eat and the other on you drive on. But I am curios on how Conan knows my brother. Griffin isen't exactly the on to make friends with people older than him in school. Thats my thing. 

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