Chapter 01 - Jerk

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The cold air of the Air Conditioner hit my face, as I rushed inside the tall building. All kinds of people crowded the entrance hall. They were all wearing masks. I had to go through a security check similar to the ones at airports. Luckily, I didn't set off the alarm of the metal detector and the security guard, who was checking my gym bag, couldn't find anything suspicious either. My body temperature was fine too. So I walked over to a friendly, smiling lady standing behind a reception desk and a glass pane.

"Welcome to HYBE Entertainment." she said, bowing down a little to greet me.

I did the same.

"How can I help you?" she proceeded in English.

That made me smile, because she seemed to think that I couldn't speak and understand Korean that well.

"Where can I find the dance practice room of the band BTS?" I asked, also in English, because I didn't want to confuse her.

"You just have to take the elevator," she pointed her small Index finger to the elevator doors in the corner, "to the 5th floor and then it is the third door on the right."

I thanked her and hurried over to the elevator. Right after I pushed the button next to its doors, they opened with a 'Bling' to present me an empty elevator.

The knot inside my stomach tightened and my hands felt sweaty, as I stepped inside. The doors closed behind me. I tried to calm myself down by taking a big sip from my lukewarm coffee. It did not work and so I waited until the elevator reached the 5th floor and its doors swung open again.

I stepped out just to trip over my own two feet. A horrified squeak left my mouth, as I lost grip of my coffee cup. I had to watch it's content spill over somebody's black shirt and the papers in their hand. Then I lost balance, which caused me to land on my butt.

"For fucks sake!" a deep male voice cursed in Korean.

I didn't hurt myself, so I got back up and locked eyes with the glaring stranger. He was wearing a black mask and a bucket hat. I could barely see his face.

"Oh no, this can't be happening right now," I whispered to myself, as I collected the empty coffee cup from the floor.

I felt his burning gaze on me the whole time.

"Are you kidding me?"

A low growl left his lips, as I looked at him again.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

I handed him a napkin, as a piece offering, but instead of taking it, he just stared at me with utter disbelief, nostrils flaring.

"I'm sorry." I said again, while I tried to remove the wet coffee stain from his black, expensive looking, oversized shirt by rubbing it with the napkin.

"Are you stupid? Stop touching me!" He yelled, causing me to flinch.

I took a step backwards, stopping my poor attempt at getting his shirt clean.

"I don't care about my fucking shirt!" He waved his hands in the air. "Do you know how long it took me to finish these lyrics? Well, of course you don't, because you're just some dumb little girl."

He gritted his teeth. Clenching my fists, I could feel anger rising inside of me. How dare he call me that?

"Look, I get that you're angry with me, but that doesn't give you the right to talk to me like that."

I tried to hold my anger back.

He let out a mocking laugh. It let a shiver run down my spine.

"I honestly don't care. You just destroyed my lyrics, that are worth weeks of hard work."

I bit the inside of my cheek to keep me from screaming at him. After all, it was my mistake, because I had ruined his stuff, not the other way around. I had no right to be upset with him. But at the same time I didn't understand how somebody could get so upset over some lyrics.

I frowned, while I said, "Well, I don't know what you want me to do about this. It was an accident, and I already apologized for it."

My blood was boiling. Not only was I late for my first day at my new job with one of the most famous artists in the music industry, but now I also had to deal with this rude punk.

Fucking great.

"Don't you have a copy of them or something?" I asked.

"No, I don't."

He crossed his arms in front of his chest, while still holding the wet papers in his right hand, which was tattooed. The stranger stared at me with his dark eyes, saying nothing for a while.

"Ugh, whatever!" he burst out then, throwing the papers into the air.

He spun around on his heel to walk away, leaving me standing there alone with my raging anger.

What the fuck was that, I thought to myself, wondering what had just happened.

I snapped back into reality after a few seconds, picked up his notes and put them in my gym bag. I decided to take them with me, since they must've been important to him. I also wanted to see for myself, what was so great about them. Then I ran in the same direction that the rude boy was disappearing into.

"Stop following me!" he whined, clearly frustrated now, without looking at me, as he realized I was right behind him.

"Trust me, I'm not following you."

I rolled my eyes.

He couldn't see me, anyway. Then I almost bumped into him, as he stopped in front of a wooden door. He opened it without saying another word to me and slammed it shut, right after he slipped inside the room.


I let out a sigh, realizing what the sign next to the door said.

'BTS Dance practice'

Great, that probably meant, that I would've to deal with that jerk again.



I hope you enjoyed this short first chapter. If you did, please don't forget to vote for it and don't forget to comment. ❤️ I also wanted to say that I'm not a native English speaker, so please feel free to correct me, whenever you see a grammar mistake or something else. I'll appreciate that.
I'll upload two new chapters every week.

With love 💞


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