Chapter 31 - Elevator

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Jungkook's POV

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Jungkook's POV

„You can't act like this every time you're around her, especially not at work." Namjoon said.

He was upset with me.

„She choose her job over me in a heartbeat." I reminded him.

It made me angry, that he seemed to forget what had happened between us.

„Look, Jungkook. I get that you're mad at her, because she hurt you but you can't hold a grudge against her forever."

His eyes softened a bit, but his jaw was still clenched and twitching.

„She didn't even talk to me before she decided to throw our relationship away."

Every time I was reminded of that moment she had pushed me away my heart ripped open again. I couldn't bear the pain.

„You know, that it's not entirely her fault. The picture got leaked and she just wanted to keep her job, so she did what everybody would've done in a situation like that and denied the rumors." Namjoon argued.

For some reason he wanted me and Aera to get along again.

„Yeah but she didn't even consider, that we could've dated secretively after that." I muttered, still hurt by it.

„I know you're upset and I really get that, but she's still our dance teacher after all. You can't have that kind of behavior towards people we work with."

He sighed and his brows were furrowed. I knew that he was stressed.

„You know that the only reason why they didn't fire her that day was, because we talked to them."

„Yes." he groaned and ran a hand through his blonde hair, "but you still need to keep it together. You can't act like a total jerk every time she's around and get in a fight with her. It keeps us from working."

I kept my mouth shut, not liking what he was saying.

„If you can't do that, then we might really have to let her go and replace her." he said. 

„No." I quickly answered.

He raised an eyebrow at me.

„I'll try to treat her professional from now on." I promised, "no more fights."

She worked hard to get this job and I didn't want her to loose it, even though I was mad at her and hurt.

Falling | Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now