Chapter 39 - Make it work 🔥

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Jungkook's POV

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Jungkook's POV

I woke up alone. Aera was not next to me. With only a pair of black boxer briefs on I started to search the apartment for her. The living room was empty and so was the kitchen. Only an empty bowl was resting in the sink, indicating that last night hadn't been a dream. That her love confession had been real. I grew nervous as I couldn't find her anywhere and she hadn't left me a note or a text message.

I decided to take a shower, waiting for her a little while longer to return, because maybe she had just gone to the grocery store or somewhere else and would be returning shortly. The warm water couldn't calm me down. My thoughts were racing. Had I done something wrong? Was she not ready to say those words to me yet? Had I pushed her too much? Did she not want this?

My fingers were slightly trembling by the time I was fully dressed and picked up my phone to call her number. It rang several times and I almost gave up before she finally picked up. Different people were chatting in the background. Where was she?

"Hello." she answered the phone.

Her voice sounded tired. Something was bothering her.

"Aera, where are you?" I asked and already gathered my stuff.

She didn't answer me right away and I froze as I heard a familiar voice calling for her.

"You're with him?"

I didn't need to say his name, because we both knew who I was talking about.

"Yes, Chul invited me to watch their dance practice this morning." She answered and I clenched my jaw.

"Send me the address. I'll be there in a few minutes."


She didn't even protest before I ended the call. As soon as she send me the location of the dance studio I left my apartment and climbed into my car. I didn't even try to conceal my anger as I raced through the busy streets of Seoul. I knew that I had been a jerk for falling asleep yesterday right after we had made love to each other for the first time. Before that we had always just had mindless sex. It had never been this raw and emotional. We had never told each other that we loved one another before.

It had been special for so many reasons and I had the audacity to fall asleep right after, but I just couldn't help it. After the performance I was so tired and exhausted and I had craved Aera's touch the whole day. I should've held back and told her that I was too tired to do it but when her lips had finally graced mine I couldn't hold back any longer and now she was with him. That hurt. It hurt so much.

Falling | Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now