Chapter 32 - Birthday

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Aera's POV

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Aera's POV

The kiss we had shared in the elevator felt like a fever dream to me. It felt too good to be true. I couldn't believe that we had actually kissed again, that he missed me, that he still wanted me and that he had feelings for me even after everything that happened between us.

I was always late for dance practices now and the first one to leave, careful not to create another opportunity for us to be alone. His eyes were always watching me at work and I knew that he wanted to talk to me but I wouldn't give him a chance to be alone with me for the whole week. I tried to hide behind a professional mask and even addressed him formally like he had requested me to do before. I knew that we couldn't be together, so I forced myself to keep a distance between us.

"How many people did you invite?" I asked Yeona as we walked up to the restaurant that I had picked to host my birthday party.

Originally I had planned to do nothing on my birthday but once Chul and Yeona had found out about that, they had forced me to throw a party and because I still didn't know that many people in Seoul I had let Yeona handle the guest list.

"Just some people from work and other people that I know."

She shrugged and her pink hair was glowing in the sunset. I had let her do my hair and makeup today. Yeona made me feel prettier than ever with long loose curls running down my back and some tiny braids that freed my face completely from any stubborn strands of hair. She had also picked out my dress. It reached down to the top of my calves and had a slit on one side, revealing my left leg with each step I took. The burgundy colored fabric hugged my curves just in the right places and some spaghetti straps held the top in shape. Little rose and white flowers were printed on it.

"Is he coming too?"

Yeona looked at me. A hopeful smile played around her lips. Without saying his name, she knew that I was talking about the man that I had avoided all week and that my heart still cried out for and belonged to.

"I invited him, so hopefully yes." she answered my question.

I took in a deep breath and entered the restaurant with her. They had prepared an exclusive room for us with a long table where up to 15 people could be seated. Chul was the first one to arrive. He brought Soomin with him since he didn't want to come alone.

"There she is, my favorite birthday girl." Chul beamed and smiled brightly.

I laughed as he hugged me tight and lifted me in the air while doing so.

"Thanks for coming to my boring party." I joked, smirking.

He shrugged still smiling and let me go.

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