Chapter 36 - Unfair

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Aera's POV

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Aera's POV

"Why are you getting up so early?" Jungkook whined, as I peeled myself out of his arms.

"I need to get ready for work." I explained and gathered some clothes from the closet.

"But dance practice doesn't start until 8. We still have three hours left." He mumbled, his voice raspy with sleep.

"Yeah, but it takes a long time to get there from your apartment."

"Not when I'm driving."

He smiled with closed eyes.

"I'm taking the bus."

At that he opened his eyes and shot up.

"Wait you're not coming with me? Why?" he asked.

"Because if people see us together they might assume things and I can't risk that."

"I could let you out of my car a few blocks away from the HYBE building." he suggested and I smiled at him but shook my head.

"No, someone could still see us and take a picture like last time."

He let himself fall back onto the mattress and groaned.

"Can't you at least cuddle with me for a few more minutes?" He asked and pouted, knowing that I was weak if he acted cute.

But this time I stood my ground and didn't give him what he wanted.

"No, I need to get ready."

I hurried into the bathroom and shut the door behind me as I heard him complaining. We had a lot of fun during the weekend. Saturday we had just cuddled and watched movies after he came back home from work and Sunday we went on a little hike. He also showed me a famous temple here in the city. It was beautiful and luckily nobody noticed Jungkook since his face was well hidden and the hiking trail was not that crowded.

It was so nice to do to normal things like that with him and I bet he enjoyed it too. I had almost forgotten that we were secretly dating over the weekend but now that I got ready for work and he was probably going back to sleep, it hit me with full force. Would I ever be able to hold hands with him in public, while his face wasn't all covered up?

As I went back into the bedroom his eyes were closed again but he smiled when I walked over to him, letting me know that he was not sleeping. I brushed some loose strands of hair away from his forehead.

"Stay with me." He mumbled and grabbed my wrist, so that my hand rested on his cheek.

"I can't."

I almost laughed as he pushed out his bottom lip and sulked like a toddler. Jungkook grimaced while I planted a soft kiss on his forehead and got up from the bed to leave. He peeked through his closed eyes, watching me exit the room.

Falling | Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now