Chapter 38 - I love you 🔥

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It had been a busy time for us

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It had been a busy time for us. Jungkook came home late every day now and even had to work on weekends, since the anniversary of their debut was coming up, but we still tried to enjoy the few hours we had together. At least I was able to sleep in the same bed as him now, since I moved into his apartment.

I would've never thought, that I would enjoy having a roommate so much one day, but living with him was amazing. Especially when he cooked dinner for me or brought me breakfast to bed. And my favorite thing was, when he held me tight and sang a sweet melody into my ear, while I drifted off to sleep.

I watched Yeona as she did the makeup for the boys and another girl styled their hair. Today was the big day. It was the first day of their special fan meet, Muster. Everyone was nervous, because we all had worked for this for over a month now.

Yesterday had been the final rehearsal and Jungkook had been very frustrated after that, because he and the other band members had made some minor mistakes. They were perfectionist to the point where it was almost unhealthy. In my opinion they should get more time off and they shouldn't be so hard on themselves.

"Your boyfriend looks good in his stage outfit." Yeona noted, as she applied foundation to Taehyung's face. 

I glanced over at Jungkook, but quickly looked away, as he turned his head in my direction. He was changing his shirt and I saw his bare back for a second, which caused me to blush.

"Who looks good?" Taehyung asked confused.

Yeona ignored him and continued to talk to me.

"Are you excited to see him perform?"

I nodded my head and she smiled at me. Taehyung frowned, which led him to getting scolded by the pink haired makeup artist, because she couldn't do his eyebrows properly.

"I'm so happy that you guys made up." Yeona said.


Taehyung looked back and forth between us, still confused, because he didn't know what we were talking about.

"Yeah, me too, but sometimes it's so difficult to date secretly." I confessed and ran a hand through my hair, "There are moments when I just want to do normal couple things with him, but then I remember that we can't, because I could loose my job and his fans could get mad at him."


Taehyung crooked his head to the side, which caused Yeona to mess up his eyeliner. She cussed at him, but he didn't seem to care. He was more interested in our conversation about his fellow band member. Yeona and I both knew, that Taehyung would tell Jungkook about our conversation, so we didn't include him.

"Hm, yeah. I can only imagine that it sucks. I wouldn't be able to hide my feelings for my significant other in public." Yeona said.

"How are things going with Yeyin by the way? I forgot to ask you this earlier."

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