Chapter 30 - Like old days

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I tried to drag out the time before the dance practice with them as much as possible, which caused me to be late for the first time, since I had started to work as their dance teacher

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I tried to drag out the time before the dance practice with them as much as possible, which caused me to be late for the first time, since I had started to work as their dance teacher. Everyone was already there, waiting for me.

"Excuse me for being late." I apologized.

"It's okay." Namjoon responded with a blank face expression.

They all looked at me and acted as if I was some kind of stranger, except for Jungkook. He didn't look at me at all. The man, that I liked so much, was busy with talking to a beautiful girl, that I had never seen before.

"Who's that girl?" I asked Jin, cause he had always been the nicest to me.

I motioned my head towards the girl, so he understood who I was referring to.

"Jungkook's friend. She wants to watch him practice, I guess." He simply answered and shrugged.

The problem was, that they weren't allowed to bring someone to practice, because they could get distracted then. I sighed and mentally prepared myself, before I addressed Jungkook with a calm voice.

"Jungkook, you're not allowed to bring somebody with you to dance practices." I said.

Everybody's attention was on me now. He turned his eyes away from the girl and directed them at me. They were still cold as ice and seemed to pierce right into my soul. I missed how big they got whenever he was surprised and how they would light up whenever he talked about something, that he was passionate about and how warm they were whenever he had looked at me before.

"Says who?" He asked with one eyebrow raised.

The girl looked at me now too. She had a perfect figure with a tiny waist and long legs. Her hair was long and shiny.

"Me." I simply answered.

"Well you don't get to decide that and stop calling me by my name. I never allowed you to speak informally to me." He shot back.

I took in a sharp breath, outraged by his behavior. Here he was, acting unprofessional and childish again, which I thought we were past.

"Since I'm the dance teacher I do indeed get to decide that, Jungkook." I called him by his name on purpose to make him mad, "She needs to go." I demanded.

He stared at me with a clenched jaw and I was able to see the raging anger behind his eyes.

"Fine, then I'll go too." He said and grabbed the pretty girls hand.

Falling | Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now