Chapter 13 - Dinner

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"Thank you everyone for working so hard today. As always dinner will be on me, but since there is a pandemic raging all over the world right now, we decided it would be best to just order some food that we can enjoy here, instead of us all going into a restaurant. I would like you all to help with the cleaning and make some space in the back so that we can set up some tables and chairs."

Everybody in the hall clapped after Mr. Choi was done talking. It was generous of him to pay for all of the staffs meals. Yeona told me that it was kinda like a tradition that all of them celebrated and ate together after a music video shoot. People began to move stuff around. We helped to set up the tables and chairs. The tables were put into an L-shape.

Laughter and chatter echoed through the industrial hall. Music was being played and everybody seemed to have a good time, as we all waited for the food to be delivered.

"Come with me."

Yeona dragged me out of the main area of the hall and into the corridor that led to some smaller rooms. They had used them as fitting rooms during the shoot. She walked into one of them. Clothes were hanging on racks, a big mirror was placed on a wall and there were two couches. Jin and Yoongi were sitting on one of them. There was also a table, that had all kinds of liquor bottles on it and an armchair, on which Jungkook was sitting.

Jimin and Taehyung were standing by the table, trying to open a champagne bottle. Jin laughed at them. Some staff members were in the room, too. It was crowded.

"Actually we're not allowed to drink during work but as long as we don't do it next to Mr. Choi, everybody turns a blind eye to it." Yeona explained with a smile, noticing my shocked face.

"But can't they like fire you if they catch you doing it?" I asked a bit nervous.

"They could but they won't." she shrugged.

"Look who's here." Jungkook grinned at us, turning everyone's attention on Yeona and

"Aera. Come join us! We need to celebrate this awesome day." Jimin shouted and flashed me a bright smile.

I could tell that he was already a bit tipsy.

"We brought some Soju."

Namjoon and Hoseok walked into the room with some bottles in their hand. Everyone in the room cheered for them. Yeona let Jimin pour her some champagne in a plastic cup. He handed me a cup filled with alcohol too, as I sat down on the couch next to Jin and Yoongi. The other couch was already occupied by people, that I didn't know.

Somebody in the room played their new song and people sang along to it. Jimin and Hoseok even danced to it.

I took a sip from the cup, that Jimin had given me and regretted it instantly as it burned in my throat. I scrunched my nose. Yoongi noticed my reaction to the alcohol and laughed. Jungkook mustered me with amused eyes.

"They don't have alcohol like this in the States, huh?" He teased me.

"We do, but this is different from everything that I tasted before. It tastes sweet but burns your throat once you swallow it." I shook myself.

"It's called Soju, hun." Yoongi grinned at me.

"Ah, my grandfather and dad drink that sometimes but I never tasted it before." I explained.

"You'll get used to it." Jin said and I took a sip from the cup, like he did.

Another song started to play. I knew it. It was one of my favorite songs ever and the only Korean song I listened to, besides Korean rap.

Falling | Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now