Chapter 22 - A day in Busan

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Aera's POV

Jungkook had texted me that I should come down to eat breakfast. It was already 9 am and the hotel only offered breakfast until 10 am, so I quickly showered and dressed myself to meet the two boys in the lobby but only Jungkook was there.

"Where's Jimin?" I asked as we went to the hotel restaurant.

"I already drove him to his parents house." he answered and we sat down in a corner that was a bit away from the other guests.

It was an expensive hotel, that guaranteed a view over the beach from all of its room and that only let certain people in, but Jungkook still wore a black bucket hat as a disguise and we both wore masks, because they were required.

"I thought he would stay with us for a few days." I muttered.

"Why? Don't you enjoy being alone with me?" Jungkook asked with a cheeky smile and raised one eyebrow.

"No, I don't. Jimin is much better company than you." I teased him.

"Ouch, that hurt."

He put his hand over his heart, pretending that it was hurting. I chuckled and stood up to get some breakfast from the buffet. Jungkook waited until I was back at the table and then got something for himself. I watched him as a girl came up to him and seemed to ask for a photo. Of course he was being nice and took one with her.

"Do you miss your old boring life sometimes?" I asked him as he returned to the table and sat down opposite of me.

"Did you watch me interact with the girl or where is this coming from?"

He smiled at me and put his mask down, so he could eat something.

"Yeah and I'm always amazed that your fans even spot you when your face is all hidden."

"They're masters in recognizing us and they can tell if somebody is attractive like me just by looking at someone's figure." he replied in a cocky voice and winked at me.

"Sure." I said, slightly annoyed but I couldn't help it and smiled at him, even though his cockiness got on my last nerve.

I ate a huge chunk of my banana pancake before Jungkook began to speak again.

"To be honest with you sometimes I don't even remember how my life was before I became a trainee."

"Did you start that young?" I asked, feeling sorry for him now.

"I was 13 when I auditioned and was scouted." he stared down at his plate, deep in thoughts, chewing on his bottom lip.

"But I love what I'm doing. Of course there are hard days too but we have incredible fans that never fail to uplift us."

We locked eyes and I felt the butterflies in my stomach explode as the corners of his mouth curved into a bright smile.

"We should get going soon. I want to show you around the city and there is a lot to see." he said as I munched on my pancake.

"I feel honored, that you choose to explore Busan with me, instead of staying in your hotel room the whole day watching TV." I teased him again, because it was so much fun.

"You should feel honored. I wouldn't do that for just anybody." he casually replied and I melted on the inside, because he had basically confirmed that I was special to him.

We finished our breakfast and I went back up to grab my purse before we went outside.

"We're not taking the car today? Exciting." I remarked as we walked through the busy streets of Busan.

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