Chapter 5 - Rain

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The week had gone by rather quickly and today was already Friday

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The week had gone by rather quickly and today was already Friday. This weekend I would look at some apartments. It was time for me to leave the hotel since I was already living there for two weeks and the closet started to become too tiny for all the new clothes I had bought this week.

Teaching the boys some new techniques and talking to their manager and choreographers kept me busy and I was thankful for that, because I had begun to feel homesick. Even though I was born in Korea it felt foreign to me now, because I no longer had family and friends here and I was gone for too long. It was weird to explore Seoul without having someone by my side that I could share my opinions and thoughts with.

And the fact that I had to work with Jungkook every day made me question my decision to move to Korea even more. Most of the times he was a pain in the ass. He never listened to me, would interrupt me when I was talking and pull pranks on me whenever he got the chance to.

On Wednesday he stole my water bottle to drink from it, even though there was a mini fridge in the dance practice room that was filled with all kinds of beverages. Another day he put salt in my coffee and he pulled the chair away when I was about to sit down on it, so I fell on my butt. But the most disgusting thing was when he grabbed my Hoodie, that I had taken off because I felt hot, and wiped the sweat on his forehead away with it. I washed that Hoodie three times afterwards and I still think it smells like a boys locker room.


I tried to get back at him by forcing him to do push-ups or making him dance in the front when we practiced complicated steps but he didn't care. He almost seemed to enjoy it and that made me even angrier. The only time the evil grin would disappear from his face was when Namjoon glared at him.

I was currently letting them have a break. We had already practiced for half an hour and I could tell that they were all exhausted.

„Look at this, guys! I found something amazing on YouTube." a low chuckle left Jungkooks mouth as his eyes were glued to his phone screen. The others started to gather around him to see what he was talking about.

I rolled my eyes at him. This couldn't be something good. As they all started to laugh I became curious too and got up.

„Why did you never tell us that you were in a HipHop dance group?" Hoseok asked me smiling and my eyes widened in shock.

Did Jungkook find my old dancing videos? I shoved my way past Jimin and Taehyung and watched the video on the smartphone in horror. It was showing me and my old dance squad at a competition. During that time I had my rebel phase. I had a pixie haircut, which didn't suit my face at all and it was dyed pink. I looked like a boy but the most embarrassing thing were my overplucked eyebrows, that were miles apart from each other and the fact that I made a lot of stupid mistakes while dancing during that competition. I also liked to hide my natural tan during that time which made me look like a ghost, because I used a foundation that was five times lighter than my skin tone.

Falling | Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now