Chapter 17 - Say my name

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Jungkook's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about that night and what would've happened if I had just told her how I felt about her. Jin had told me that it was okay and that I should just drive to her apartment one day and tell her then. He had said that it had happened to all of them before, that they had once been too afraid to confess their feelings to someone but I was still beating myself up over it, because I felt so stupid and I still didn't have the guts to tell her.

I knew that I didn't have that much time left because Chul and her seemed to get closer. He would pick her up from work frequently and she would tell us about him during the dance practice. I just hoped that they would remain friends.

"Aera seems sad today." Jimin whispered in my ear and tore me out of my daydreams.

My eyes traveled to her. She was leaning against the wall as she watched Namjoon, Yoongi and Jin dancing. But she didn't exactly look at them. Her eyes were staring at her feet and it seemed as if she was not paying attention to them at all. Her body was present but her mind wasn't. She didn't even say something as Namjoon messed up pretty bad and Hoseok corrected him.

"You should ask her what's wrong after the dance practice is done." Jimin said.

I nodded my head.

"I should." I mumbled with my eyes still on Aera.

Why hadn't I noticed her sad face before?

"You still haven't told her about your feelings or have you?" the boy that was born in the same city as me asked.

Taehyung kept quiet as he listened to our conversation.


I fidgeted with my fingers.

"Maybe you should do it now." Jimin suggested.

"Nah, I can't tell her when she's sad but I will do it soon. Maybe this weekend. I could invite her to our apartment complex and cook for her or something."

My cheeks heated up as the words left my mouth.

"Aw look at our little Kookie being flustered because of a girl." Taehyung squeaked and squished my cheeks with his hands.

I slapped him and Jimin laughed at us.

"What are you all talking about?"

Hoseok sat down next to me.

"Nothing." I said at the same time as Jimin told him that we were talking about me and Aera.

"Don't say her name, she could hear us." I whispered to Jimin.

I peeked over to our young dance teacher but she was still staring at the ground and didn't seem to pay attention to anything. I wondered what was wrong with her and wanted to hold her in my arms to comfort her.

"Did you still not tell her?" Hoseok looked at me.

I shook my head at him.

"Well I would always go on a double date with you and her." He offered and shrugged.

"Don't bother. He would never ask her on a date. He's too afraid." Taehyung teased me and made chicken noises.

I glared at him. Jimin side hugged me.

"Don't make fun of him, Tae. You only recently started dating and before that you were also awkward when it came to girls."

Jimin played with my hair.

"That's true." Hoseok agreed and Taehyung pouted.

I grinned and raised my chin in triumph. The music stopped playing. I looked at the clock that was hanging in one corner of the room. The dance practice was about to end.

Falling | Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now