Chapter 28 - Facing Reality

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Aera's POV

Jungkook had offered me to stay the night at his place but I had declined. Jimin tried to hold back his laughter as Jungkook pouted and acted sad the whole time we were driving over to my apartment. In the end he didn't want to let go of me and Jimin burst out laughing .

"Why can't you stay with me for the night?" Jungkook asked me, while his hand was wrapped firmly around my wrist.

"Because I don't have any fresh clothes left and we can't drive to work together tomorrow." I answered.

He whined and complained like the little child he was, while he refused to let go of my wrist. I had to physically force him to take his hand away. Jimin watched us in amusement and made gagging noises, when I kissed Jungkook goodbye. I had fallen asleep happy yesterday.

Now I was anxious, as I took the metro to work. I couldn't stop staring at the good morning text that Jungkook had already sent me. It would be hard to act as if nothing happened between us. I was afraid that people would find out sooner or later.

My phone screen lit up as I got out of the metro and started to walk to the HYBE building. I didn't bother to look at the messages I had received, because I wanted to check them later.

It was still early in the morning, but for some reason a lot of people were standing in front of the tall glass building and none of them looked like fans or tourists. Even from afar I could tell that most of them were paparazzis. They were crowding the entrance, giving me a hard time to get in. I wondered why they were there.

Somebody rammed their elbow into my stomach and I got pushed back, while I let out a scream. More and more people looked at me and tried to get a picture of me. A woman held her camera directly into my face and then I got showered with questions, while people pushed and pulled me.

"Are you the girl in the picture?"

"Is it true that you're the dance teacher of BTS?"

"Do you work at HYBE Entertainment?"

"Are you dating Jeon Jungkook?"

"How long have you been dating him?"

"Are you Jeon Jungkook's secret girlfriend?"

I covered my face with my hands, while I tried to push past some people to get inside the building but I was encircled by all these strangers. I kept my mouth shut, not wanting to answer a single question or expose myself in any kind of way. My head was spinning as I tried to understand what was happening and what they were talking about. The flashlights from the cameras were blinding my eyes. I broke out into a cold sweat and panicked, because I couldn't escape from the mass.

I felt dizzy as a strong hand grabbed me by the arm and yanked me through the crowd of screaming people. A man, that looked like a security guard, dressed in all black, had rescued me and brought me inside. My breathing was out of control.

"Thank you." I said and wanted to go, but he had other plans for me.

"Mr. Choi wants to talk to you." He informed me.

The blood in my veins froze. My heart hammered furiously against my chest and my palms were sweaty, as he motioned for me to follow him. I knew that this would happen eventually, but I didn't think that it would happen this fast. My mind was racing, because countless thoughts were running through my head.

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