Chapter 6 - I still don't like you

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That night I tried to fix Jungkook's lyrics so I could eventually read them. But the liquid had done great damage to them and a lot of words were erased because of it. I only managed to read a few sentences that sounded very sad and emotional.

They made me wonder what he went through when he wrote them and if he still felt as sad as back then. Even though I didn't like him that much I promised myself to keep an eye on him from now on, because no one deserved to be unhappy all the time and as his dance teacher I worried for him.

Over the weekend I had looked at eight different apartments but the one I liked the most was eventually rented out to someone else. The other seven apartments were either not big enough or they where located in a bad neighborhood or something else was wrong with them. I was getting frustrated, because this would be my third week living in a hotel and it was starting to get too expensive for me.

On Sunday I had FaceTimed my parents. Both were excited to hear about the city they once called home. My dad told me about some foods that he wanted me to try and while doing so his eyes lit up like stars. He still missed Seoul even though he was born in Los Angeles and had lived there with his family until college. It made me sad that they hadn't been able to revisit Korea, because they always had to take care of the restaurant and my grandfather. I promised them that I would take more photos of the city and talk to them as often as I could.

It was now Monday and I was currently sitting on the wooden floor of the dance practice room while I watched Taehyung dance his solo part.

I was just about to take a sip from my water bottle when it was snatched out of my hands. I blinked confused. Then I noticed who the thief was and my eyes narrowed.

"Jungkook!" I screamed as I watched him empty the water bottle he had just stolen from me.

"There's literally a fridge in this room packed with all kinds of drinks. Why did you have to steal my water instead of grabbing one from the fridge?"

He shrugged and threw the empty plastic bottle in my lap. A smug grin appeared on his features as I glared at him. Sighing I turned my eyes away from the blonde man and continued to watch Taehyung who was about to complete his solo.

"How was that?" he asked when finished while looking at me with one bushy eyebrow raised. His chest was rising and falling rapidly. His forehead was glistening with sweat.

"You definitely improved from last week." I answered and stood up. "You just need to use your hips a little bit more so you don't look too stiff."

I showed it to him and he copied me right away. That's why enjoyed working with these men. They were quick learners and eager to better themselves. Once you showed them a new movement they could almost instantly do it.

"That's it." I nodded my head at Taehyung. He gave me a boxy smile that revealed his pearl white teeth. A few strands of his black hair were falling in his face, covering his eyes slightly.

"I want you all to do the whole choreography together now." I clapped my hands to motivate them and watched as they got ready to perform.

Watching them dance their hearts out and being in sync with each other was mesmerizing. For some reason I couldn't keep my eyes away from Jungkook. His movements looked so effortless and sexy today. His dancing was always aggressive because he so desperately wanted to hit every beat and normally I didn't like it that much but for this song it fit perfectly.

I forced myself to look away from the youngest member, as his white shirt kept slipping up his body revealing his tanned skin and a little bit of his toned torso which made me feel all kinds of things. I could no longer deny the fact that I found the most annoying person on this earth attractive but only when he kept his mouth shut and that didn't happen that often.

Over all they had the new choreography down. I only had to correct a few minor mistakes  here and there. I praised them for their hard work as I always did at the end of each dance practice and wished them a good afternoon.

But instead of leaving the room they gathered around me. They all smiled at me even Yoongi and Jungkook.

"Uhm what's going on?" I asked confused.

"Hoseok and Jungkook told us about your current housing situation." Namjoon began and I furrowed my brows not knowing where this conversation was about to go "We wanted to help you, since your part of our team now. So we asked around for an apartment for you."

"But you know that I don't have as much money as you do, right?" I blurted out and the tallest of the young men chuckled lightly showcasing his dimples.

"Yeah we know that your poor." Jungkook said with a cocky grin and for the hundredth time I rolled my eyes at him.

"One of Jin's friends is an estate agent and he was able to find something for you that we think would suit you and your price range. As of now the apartment is vacant so you could move there this upcoming weekend or earlier if you want to." the grey haired man finished.

My mouth stood open and I probably looked like a fish gasping for air as they all stared at me anticipating my reaction to the good news. I closed my mouth and swallowed hard as I tried to process the information Namjoon had just given me.

I looked up at Jins soft eyes. A happy squeak passed over my lips while I stormed forward and embraced the tall man into a tight hug.

"Thank you so much, Jin." I whispered into his chest as he hesitantly wrapped his arms around me. Before he could properly return my hug I pulled back.

"Your welcome." Jin said with a proud smile.

"Do I get a hug too? I also helped, you know." Jimin pouted.


I was so happy that they found an apartment for me that I was in the mood for hugs. So I hugged him as well and the other ones too. Yoongi only allowed me to pat his shoulder though and I tried to skip Jungkook because it would've felt awkward. But he apparently wanted a hug because he quickly grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his arms. I didn't resist because I was taken by surprise and his masculine scent intoxicated my senses.

I blushed as he released me. For the longest time I couldn't believe that Jungkook actually hugged me. The Jungkook that had always been a rude jerk towards me. The man that kept annoying me everyday.

"Don't interpret too much into it. I still don't like you." He whispered in my ear and a shiver ran down my spine because of his low raspy voice.

"I still don't like you either." I instantly replied.

• • •

Early update, because I didn't want to keep you waiting and I'm so happy that we already surpassed 70 reads. I hope you enjoyed this new chapter. Don't forget to vote and to leave a comment if you liked it.

With love,



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